Fairy Tale RPG

The next morning, me and Elizibeth went off, after saying goodbye to Giffor ( two r's ) we headed to castle Aurishia. As we approached the front gate two gaurds stoped us pulling out there swords and charging toward us. Elizibeth out of fright shot her bow, at one of them. " Was That Neccasary!?" I exclamed.
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Knowing that we were in trouble anyway, i pulled The Sword Of Aurishia over my head, and smashing it down. A wind blew so great that it blew away the two officers.. and the front gate!
Running in, two guards stopped us and through us in the dungeon. quickly i made the sword disappear, that way the guards didn't confinscate it and give it to the dark lord." Ouch!" Elizibeth screamed as the guard through her in the sell. 'Now what? Miss.Shoot an arrow at the guard?' I dont know she said." "well i do. i made the sword appear in my hand and waited for the guard to fall asleep." You cant blow the door down!" Elizibeth exclaimed. "i know, i said, "Be quiet." with that, i stuck the tip of the sword in the keyhole and blew a small wind, soon the tumblers fell and the door opened.
"Okay, so we're out of the dungeon. Now what? We can't just blow the castle to pieces with your magical sword. And it's not my fault that I shot the guard. I was really scared and I just reacted. I've never done anything like this before." She said to Evan.

(sorry, you had to post for me. will was on the computer for a really long time, so i couldn't get on...)
"Let's go. You find Princess Anne and Xeroxia, im going to the king." Without giving her time to reply i stormed off.going up what seemed to be mountains of stairs, i Finally reached the kings room. " Halt~ This room is off limits to civilians." on the other side of the door the king heard voices and then a load Whoosh! Soon i busted in the door, the guards on the floor. " What is the meaning of this!" He Yelled.
Yeah, that would be cool!


my profile:

name: Natalie
age: 15
looks: curly brunette hair, hazel eyes, very tall.
bio: Natalie is the daughter of a rich (and mean) trades mans daughter. He wants her to marry someone very rich to expand the trade and is even trying to get her to marry the prince of the kingdom! Natalie doesn't want to though.
job: none
May I join??


Name: Lady Aerin

Age: 20

Looks: Long straight black hair that she keeps up in a lot of braids. Her eyes are the lightest shade of blue possible, when she gets mad they turn to ice and when she is crying they turn into deep wells of endless water. She is tall and thin for she is a warrior. She has a scar on her cheekbone that looks like a small "x".

Bio: No one knows where she is from or how she got her x scar. No one knows what she stands for. She is a skilled knight and warrior. She and her older brother were orphaned early in their childhood. An older knight who was friends with their mother took them in. He taught Aerin everything she knows. Aerin’s background isn’t known but some say she has either royal or legendary blood coursing though her veins. Many a man has tried to woo her but the only man she in her life is her brother. Some seem to think that Aerin has been resentful ever since the loss of parents. Aerin hides her feeling and closes off her heart to people because she doesn’t want to be hurt again.

Job: She’s a lady knight that works for no one realm.
Elizabeth started down the hall and stopped as she saw a woman with black hair in knight's clothing. She stared at the strange scar on the woman's chin.

"Excuse me, um, have you seen a princess and an injured maid?" Elizabeth asked the strange woman, trying not to stare.
"SHHHHHHHH, if you startle her she will surely kill you", said a voice, she did not get that scar from playing tiddliwinks". perhaps we should look for them together for a bit perhaps i can find you're friends, i am an excellient tracker.
"Um, really." Elizabeth said to the strange looking boy. "Well, I don't think...well, I don't,...I don't really um, know you that well. So I think I can do it by myself." she said nervously.

"No, I insist." William said.

(thats my brother and he standing right next to me so he said i could post for him.)

"Well, I guess."