Fashion Friends For Life

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OMG thats so amazing, whats he like?? I only just got better but id love to do something tomorrow.

Wow, im stuch at home, only just got better but id love to do something tomorrow.

OCC: Are they dating?? Danial and your char is it official.

occ, char, u might want to just go back and read everything, its quite funny and romantic actually:)
"Yea. Come on." he said getting up quickly. Her hand smacked him in the face cause he wasn't watching what he was doing.
*gasp* "I am so sorry!!!! Are you ok???" she said rubbing his forehead.

"What shooud we do now?"she asked.

"It's fine..It was my fault anyway." he said. "Want to go to the pond?" he asked. "It looks better at night."

"A friend of mine." Daniel replied.
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