Fashion Friends For Life

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She rolled her ball, it went to the side immediatly. "That is way better then me!"she said, laughing.

"I did that on my first try." he said smiling.

"Uh..yea." he said. He walked toward his car. He still was feeling unsure about getting married already. He just got home, suffered from two losses, is trying to find a job, and has to by his own home. He didn't really want to get married right away but he knew she wouldn't wait forever. He knew only one way to deter her from wanting to get married for a bit but he didn't want to take that way.
Hannah looked for awhile " OK well hm," she said, walking away with a worried face she kissed him then left. she text Jen Something is every wrong with Daniel please talk to him
Hannah looked for awhile " OK well hm," she said, walking away with a worried face she kissed him then left. she text Jen Something is every wrong with Daniel please talk to him

Alright. I'll try when I get home. Jen replied.

"No..I didn't." Michael said.

OOC: *just had like a load of fun*
"Nice shot!" he said trying to be incouraging.

Suddenly Daniel walked into the bowling alley. He didn't say anything just kept his hands in his pockets.

I'll try. He has the habit of not telling me though. Jen replied.
Thanks you the best if it's about the wedding thing and I think it is tell him don't worry about we can wait we don't have to get married right away :] she text

Max looked at her " Is everything all right my love?," he asked, pulling her next to him.
"Hold on sweetie pie, I'll be back in a few minutes."she said kissing his cheek. Then walked towards Daniel.

"Hey"she said smileing, standing in front of him. She noticed his hands in his pocket. He always did that when he was sad or something. "Need a hug?"she asked him, holding out her arms.
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