"Bridget!.." James called..."Where are u going?.." he asked her just before she went through the door. James had to stay that night since the doctor who was assigned to that turn couldnt come.
She smiled revealing her cute dimples. "Thanks" she said watching him as he moved. He seemed to become more charming at night or maybe it was just because she was missing Ryan but Bridget felt awefully attracted to James. She quickly glanced away.
She was temtped to tell him no for him to stay, but it was pretty dark and she would feel a lot safer with him there. She shurgged. "Okay but I wouldnt want to get you into any trouble."
He shook his head..."Wait a sec.." he turned and soon enough was back without the white coat, but a black jacket. "Ready.." he stood in front of her smiling, he opened the door, a montioned for her to pass.
She stopped laughing. "I just wanted to get out of the hospital" she began. "Get back to normal, get back to the real world" she mumbled as they walked.
"Yah, well, I used to feel like that when i began being this.." He said refering to himself, being a doctor..."Until i really got used to it.." He smiled.
She smiled at him. "To be honest I'm a little afrai of going home....." she began. "I keep seing his face, in my dreams" she told him having no oneelse to confide in.