Fashion Magazine rpg

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ooc: I love the way you added friendly :p

ic: She nodded and tried to smile but after hearing Ryans voice she was unsure of that. She looked at the clock. "Have you finished your shift already?" she asked.
occ: haha :p u made me laugh.

He took the last sip..."Yep, I know its late, I shouldnt have come..." He smiled, noticing she had glanced at the clock...
ooc: LOL yay!

ic: "Oh no sorry" she began "Thats not what I meant" she said putting a friendly hand on his shoulder. "I'm glad you came, thanks. I just thought you might need to back at work or something" she said sincerely.
She smiled back "I'm quite tired too" she said taking her hand off his shoulder and placing it on the chair for support. Her face looked drained with energy.
James cursed himself as he controled his impulses, so he'd better walk away from being that distance of her. He walked to the living room, looking around....
From the time she had enetered her flat she had known that she was going to do it.
She placed the mugs in the sink and followed him into the living room. "Nice place huh?" she asked standing by the door leaning to the side of it.
occ: oh... ¬¬ XD

"Of course, i mean, that happened, but we hope it wont happen again.." He said with his voice lowering to a whisper at the last part.."It will always be a nice place.."
"I'm glad you think that. I just hope other people will have that opinion also" she replied as she looked at the room before going back into the kitchen.
"Hmph.....well, after what happened to you here, even if you try to think it wont happen anymore and no matter how the place looks, even if its very nice, i guess you dont find it your home anymore..." James said, glancing at his own watch on wrist...."Its really getting late, I should go.."
"Oh yeah, sorry I do that all the time..............just rambling on for hours about myself...........gosh" she said looking at the clock herself. "I'll walk you out" she added.
Yes, he would give anything to stay with her, or, at least for her to want him to stay, to ask him for it...but no, god darn it, he told himself to not to think like that anymore.
"Ok, thanks for the coffee..." James said before following her to the entrance.... He stepped out and turned, before she closed the door..."See you later then?..."

ic: "Sure" she replied standing in the door entrance. "Thanks for stopping by...............I really appreciate it" she added folding her arms as she felt the cold breeze sweep over her face. She had a slight genuine smile on her face as she spoke to him.
occ: :D tee hee :D

James leaned in, but, in the last instant, kissed her cheek..."Good bye..." He turned, shruging with the cold breezed and buring his hands on his pockets.
It was late, bad decision to leave after all, that because of something that had nothing to do with love.
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