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ooc:LMFO any excuse! 
ic: Bridget quickly pulled away as she heard the nurse say excuse. Her face was all flushed and slightly red. She was lost for words not expecting that kiss just like the first time he had kissed her. She looked at James then at the nurse "Sorry" she said getting up. "I'll wait outside until you have finished" she added walking out of the room quickly. She sat in the chair outside wandering whether it had jogged his memory but feeling even more guilty about Ryan although she hadnt made the first move she still had very strong feelings towards James that she wasn't quite sure about.

ic: Bridget quickly pulled away as she heard the nurse say excuse. Her face was all flushed and slightly red. She was lost for words not expecting that kiss just like the first time he had kissed her. She looked at James then at the nurse "Sorry" she said getting up. "I'll wait outside until you have finished" she added walking out of the room quickly. She sat in the chair outside wandering whether it had jogged his memory but feeling even more guilty about Ryan although she hadnt made the first move she still had very strong feelings towards James that she wasn't quite sure about.