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"Forget I asked" she said seeing Miranda was not in the mood. 'Somone woke up from the wrong side of bed this morning' she thought as she walked up the stairs towards her office.
"Forget I asked" she said seeing Miranda was not in the mood. 'Somone woke up from the wrong side of bed this morning' she thought as she walked up the stairs towards her office.
Caroline winced as she walked back to her office to start looking up hair styles. She rarely managed to get through a work day without being criticized or pushed away.
ooc: you do realize that's just how Miranda is, right?
ooc: Of course!Just playing as my character.
ooc: lol, sorry. my compy was being mean!!
ic: Miranda leaned her head against the head rest of the taxi. She didn't want to be here. And she needed more coffee.
She looked out the window and watched as people hurried off to their mediocre jobs.
Karen saw Miranda looking outside the window. "You know, " she said. "Why don't we make a quick stop at Starbucks and get ourself some caffeine? I think we're going to need to overdose on it today..." She tapped on the driver's right shoulder, "can we make a quick stop at the Starbucks that is on the corner of Lilly's Boutique?" she asked.
"I think that is the smartest thing anyone has suggested all day." Miranda said, giving Karen one of her rare smiles.
"Omg you smiled! Its the end of the world as we know it!" With that said, Karen opened the door to her side and got out of the cab. "Oh btw that's my appartment building over there," she said pointing to a red-bricked building.
Miranda blew the hair out of her face, rolling her eyes. "Are you going to act like that whenever I do something not me?"
She got out and looked at the building she'd pointed at. "Nice. How's the rent?"
"Sheesh! Excuse moi!... rent is ok. I pay $1,600 a mo. for two rooms," Karen said. Her cell phone rang and she struggled to find it inside her Black limited edition bag from Louis Vitton. Finally getting a hold of her new purple razor she flipped it open. "Hello?.....What do you mean she's already there? I thought her flight was delayed! Ugh..hold on, I'll be there!" she snapped her phone shut and grabbed Miranda by the arm as she was about to enter Starbucks. "C'mon we don't have much time. Candy just arrived to the photoshoot!"
"better watch out i heard the person that got her the wrong colored sprinkles on her lowfat mocha frozen yogert she chucked the icecream in there face and hey were fired" isabella said basically saying this chick is nuts