Fashion Magazine rpg

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There it was again, that horrible feeling of guilt that she felt in her chest. She was going to grab his hand but realised that he might take it the wrong way. "I'm sure in'll remember it and lots more" she said looking up from her book and at him for the first time since she had entered the room.
"I dont really care...i barely know who i am.." He began bursting out but then breathed in...."when did they say i could go back home¿.." he asked her.
"Errm....." she wasnt quite sure but she couldnt just tell him nothing. "In a couple of days" she lied. Argh she shouldnt have done that because now he would get his hopes up.
"oh.." he smiled...."well.." Then again James wanted to ask her things about herself and all...but she kept acting this weird....he kinda knew she felt unconfortable...but he wanted at least to be her friend....
This was going to end badly but for now he looked happy so it made her feel better. "So I was food isnt that great so I thought I'd pop into the bakery next door and get you what ever you want" she said lacing the book down on the table next to his bed. "So what shall it be?".
"A chocolate cake'd be nice..." He smiled..."Thanks a lot.."

Ryan was getting ready for a meeting at the Agency.... he would meet the people who he'd work next to....and get a deeper introduction to his work's matters.....
She smiled and got up. "You want coffee with that?" she asked grabbing her coat.

Lauren sat at the table with the others waiting for Ryan. She wandered how he would take it when he found out that they would be working together. She hoped he wouldnt be angry and think of it as more of a coincidence.
"sure..." he said....

Nicely looking he went to the place fine dressed, not very formal but just enough.
He arrived and as his eyes passed along all the people sitting at the table...they stopped at Lauren, meeting her again was getting to be more than a coincidence, but he just sat down, thanking all for waiting for him. He just sighed smiling once at Lauren, maybe it really was just a coincidence.
Bridget left the hospital and qued up in the bakers. She thought about what Ryan was doing right now and was tempted to call him but she was more angry than upset and decided against the idea.

Lauren watched him come in and laughed. "This is the new guy?" she aksed the guy sitting next to her who would have replied 'you hand picked him Lauren' if she hadnt been his boss.
"Yes" he replied. "He was better than all the rest" he added trying to sound sincere.
"Hello again" she said smiling. The meeting went on and everyone was happy that they had made the right decision on bringing Ryan on board. When it finished Lauren stayed sitting in her seat. She had never imagined that Ryan would have actually taken the job and wandered where Bridget was.
"So.....are boss?.." Ryan asked, was kinda funny but thats how it was...looking at Lauren, he thought again about Bridget..trying to give her a call would be want he wanted to do but not what he should he tried to push the thought away from his mind again.
She laughed a little. "Kinda...........but I'm a nice long as you do job I'm happy" she said getting up and picking up her file. Lauren was like an entrepeneur. She was an actress but she owned her own magazine company.

Bridget entered the room. She put the coffee on the table and handed James the muffin. "Hope it reaches your expectations" she said jokingly. She also had a newspaper in her hand and flicked through it while James ate until she reached the houses part.
Ryan smiled...."I'll do my best.." he stated as he stood up after she did.

"thanks." he said taking it and bitting it...he sipped his coffee also as he watched Bridget look at the magazine...
She took a pen out and began circling some adverts until she came to one in particualr. She just stared at it.

Lauren laughed "I'm sure you will but first I must get something to eat. I'm starving. Care to join me?" she asked opening the door.
James kept eating but as she stared at that one, he swallowed and asked..."Whats with that one?." he leaned a bit to look at it.

He looked down for a few secs before glancing back at her again. "Sure" He stated, holding the door so she could pass first.
"Thanks" she said walking passed. "Their is this great little cafe around the corner." she began to say as they walked out of the building.

"Thats my house" she said. It felt strange looking at her own house.
James watched it carefully...."Seems..." He began...."I guess I've been there before right?.." he asked..."Seems like i've been there but i cant remember just yet"

Cafe... Ryan clenched his eyes for a second as well as somewhat a smirk spread accross his features. He walked next to her...feeling a little, weird.
She had totally forgotten all about his memory loss. "Yeah you have......." she mumbled staring at the picture sadly. It seemed like evrything she had once had was not leaving or being taken away from her. Maybe it was time for change she thought changing the page.

When they got into the cafe and had ordered Lauren decided this was a better time than ever to ask some questions. "So is Bridget coming later?" she asked casually.
He smiled as she passed the page....she had told him about what happened in his house and he knew those werent good memories.

He glanced down at the table for a few secs...."uh.." He began...."I dont know.." he finally said glancing up at her with a serious but unsure expression.
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