Favorite Deleted Scene, ONLY HERE!! (Spoilers!!)

What's your favorite deleted scene?

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Knight of Narnia
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Knight of the Noble Order
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Vote here for your favorite deleted scene, and tell us why you liked it!!!!
Apple Orchard becuase i think Will was pretty funny in that particular scene
"My sandwiches are in my bag, which i left on the train station, which i left in London."
i dont know if thats the right wording but i went something like that
I voted for "Picking Marshalls," but it was between that and "Apple Orchard." Those were two little details from the book that I always liked, so I'm glad they at least had deleted scenes of them. :)
Personally, my favorite scene which was deleted from the "Prince Caspian" movie was a scene known as "The Entire Story Of Prince Caspian That C.S. Lewis Wrote."
okay so I had to youtube them ;)

But I prefered the archery scene... it actually had some use.... the orchard scene and break-in were kinda cute tho
I`ve also gone for `Picking Marshals`.
Its the only scene which shows Peter and Caspian having a civil conversation with one another and shows that, by the time of the duel they have resolved any differences between them and also that Peter now sees his role in Narnia is to help Caspian to the throne and not to rule as High King again.
It also restores the jokes from the book about why its not a good idea to have a mouse as a marshal and Bulgy Bear`s habit of sucking his paws!
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I'm not responding about the deleted scenes, well I am sort of. In the PC game, there was a scene where Caspian and the Professor were walking down a hallway in the castle and the Professor was telling Caspian about Narnia and the last thing he said was that the kings and queens haven't been seen since. I didn't see that scene in the movie, nor in the deleted scenes section. What happened to that scene? Obviously it was deleted from the movie itself, but it wasn't in the deleted scenes section. That's why I'm confused. :confused:
Music festival
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Personally, my favorite scene which was deleted from the "Prince Caspian" movie was a scene known as "The Entire Story Of Prince Caspian That C.S. Lewis Wrote."

Ha, ha..... good one...... :p (I personally, loved the movie, but I think there were some things that they could have done better on) I haven't seen any of the deleted scenes yet; I'll vote when I do.
It is utterly tragic that they didn't put in "Picking the Marshalls." I looked for Peter the whole movie and he only showed up a small bit in the duel. I saw that deleted scene and finally found the Peter I'd missed in the movie...the one from the book that I loved since I was a kid...he was in that scene. (which proves it has more to do with script than anything). Will played it so well. If they'd taken out the kiss and put in "Picking the Marshalls" they'd have had a different turn out of the film. It would have done better by far.

*agreed Copperfox, agreed*
It is utterly tragic that they didn't put in "Picking the Marshalls." I looked for Peter the whole movie and he only showed up a small bit in the duel. I saw that deleted scene and finally found the Peter I'd missed in the movie...the one from the book that I loved since I was a kid...he was in that scene. (which proves it has more to do with script than anything). Will played it so well. If they'd taken out the kiss and put in "Picking the Marshalls" they'd have had a different turn out of the film. It would have done better by far.

*agreed Copperfox, agreed*

You are right Julie!! That's how I felt too. This was the Peter from the books. I wish they had kept that!!
I really liked "Picking Marshalls".
After I watched it...I was kinda dissapointed that they didnt keep it in the movie :(.
I really liked it.

I really really really strongly disliked "Training Archers" well...for obvious reasons. LOL LOL. Michael you should know why :p:p
However when I get over that aspect...I did like the scene...it made me laugh a little :D

But really, I think they should have just put all of them in, it was a shame that they didnt (or couldnt).
Ivoted for the orchared, becasue it was funny, and becasue it was simerler towhat was in the book. The marshel seen just felt a bit, cheesey in a way, like, I dont think the acting there was up to scrach, tho it was good to see some more of the origanl book in there. The nesary seen was also funny. I did like the archery sece too. There wasnt too much going on between S and C, and it just made for a more intersting way of finding out that they were being watched.
I voted for training archers because I liked seeing more of Susan. There wasn't anything between Caspian and Susan except for the fact that she was showing him that she was a better archer. lol :p
The Picking Marshalls scene is probably my second favorite. Hopefully they come out with an extended movie or something with these clips fully finished and in the movie.
I also choose picking the Marshals for the same reasons as everyone else here, and also from a strictly cinimatic point of view it helped complete Peter's character arc better. And it showed as Mr. Gresham promised ( at least I think it was him) that "there's always a way back."

And plus there was more Reep... and the Bulgybear was sucking his paws!

It was kind of like the deleted scenes with Faramir that were added into the EE of Two Towers ( as well as the material in ROTK). Fans of the book can say, " There's that character I loved... just more realistic! He isn't a fairy tale figure I can't relate too at all, but he could be a person just like me!"

If there were an EE for PC, I'd hope they'd put back all the scenes ( except for the Driad as it's better suited for TLB, and training the archers, though I prefered that to the kiss) and take out the kiss. It would add to it the heart that I felt the film was missing.
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I really liked "Picking Marshalls".
After I watched it...I was kinda dissapointed that they didnt keep it in the movie :(.
I really liked it.

I really really really strongly disliked "Training Archers" well...for obvious reasons. LOL LOL. Michael you should know why :p:p
However when I get over that aspect...I did like the scene...it made me laugh a little :D

But really, I think they should have just put all of them in, it was a shame that they didnt (or couldnt).

A little jealous there Jo? LOL

I think if they had taken out the kiss and put in some of the deleted scenes, the film would have been much better received by the fans. I know I would have liked it better.
I voted for 'Picking Marshalls' like many others.
It would have made, somewhat more sense to have it in the film as you see something that was quite significant in the book.

I also liked the comedic moment in the castle raid with the discovery of the baby in the nursey. However, I believe Andrew was right that it didn't really fit with the moment and flow of the raid. Also because we then have Miraz say 'This use to be a private room' when Susan and Peter come in aswell
I voted for "Picking Marshalls" as well.
It's kinda ironic, because just before we watched the deleted scenes I was complaining to my mom about how I was so upset that they took Bulgie Bear pretty much out of the movie. And then I see he could've been in the movie, but it wasn't important enough. I almost cried...no joke.

I really hope that if they make an extended edition they'll put that scene back into the movie. Most of the others were pretty good too, but that one was the one I really wish they had kept.:(