Favorite Deleted Scene, ONLY HERE!! (Spoilers!!)

What's your favorite deleted scene?

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A little jealous there Jo? LOL

I think if they had taken out the kiss and put in some of the deleted scenes, the film would have been much better received by the fans. I know I would have liked it better.

LOL LOL :eek::eek:

Well, I mean I wasnt surprised that they did that really....

just wished it was me.......but it wasnt
I chose "Picking Marshalls" for the same reason as everyone else. I so wished that had been in the movie, it would have really helped Peter's character out a lot.
My second choice would have been the "Apple Orchard" and then "The Nursery". I thought The Nursery bit was kinda funny, but I can definitely see why it was taken out, it just didn't flow with the tension that was building up for the raid.
my favourite was the nursery scene where peter says to susan where does that come from and she answeared hasnt mum had that conversation with you yet
Mine are Apple Orchard, Picking Marshalls and the Nursery
but I voted fot Apple Orchard, because it shows Peter being nice. I think there should be more of those moments in the movie..
I know I'll be hated for this, but my favorite deleted scene was Training archers. Mainly because of the dialogue between Susan and Caspian. *I Do see why they took it out*.

"It's okay. Rome wasn't built in a day."

"How long did it take?"

"What's a rome?"

"It's just a phrase."

You won't be hated for it at all. I'm glad they left it out though.

*still laments the loss of Picking the Marshalls*
they only had two marshalls that even showed up. I thought the Giant was included but then I realized he was underground. Although I daresay he would have been more frightening than Reepicheep. lol.
I voted for Leaving For The Raid. I think i was the only one, lol.

But I loved every single delted scene. Honestly! A close second is the balcony one with Miraz and Prunaprismia. And I agree if they had kept in the Training Archers one instead of The Kiss, that would have been much better :rolleyes:
I voted for Leaving For The Raid. I think i was the only one, lol.

But I loved every single delted scene. Honestly! A close second is the balcony one with Miraz and Prunaprismia. And I agree if they had kept in the Training Archers one instead of The Kiss, that would have been much better :rolleyes:
Yes, yes!! Training Archers and NO KISS. Yes, that would have made the movie a much better. There was absolutely no reason for those two to kiss like that. A little "interaction like in that scene was fine. The kiss was just way too much, too fast, too stupid.
You know, people in other countries kiss each other on the mouth if they're family. I didn't see the kiss as being "romantic" or "Involved". I saw it as being, "I'm telling you goodbye because I'll never see you again" type of kiss. You know the funny thing is, I knew pretty much what happened in the film before I saw it but I saw it anyway with a neutral attiude and I loved it? I especially knew about the kiss. Even Ben and anna said that the kiss wasn't a romantic thing. The flirting wasn't necessarily romantic; it was a crush. I believe there's a difference. *and frankly if I were Anna I would've wanted to kiss Ben too. :p*
You know, people in other countries kiss each other on the mouth if they're family. I didn't see the kiss as being "romantic" or "Involved". I saw it as being, "I'm telling you goodbye because I'll never see you again" type of kiss. You know the funny thing is, I knew pretty much what happened in the film before I saw it but I saw it anyway with a neutral attiude and I loved it? I especially knew about the kiss. Even Ben and anna said that the kiss wasn't a romantic thing. The flirting wasn't necessarily romantic; it was a crush. I believe there's a difference. *and frankly if I were Anna I would've wanted to kiss Ben too. :p*

They both hardly qualify as "family." And I would question what kind of "family" they were if they kiss that hard and long. It was definitely a romantic kiss, ask anyone. It was stupid and totally unnecessary.
Whatever. I watched a clip from the TV show, J*A*G where a guy kissed a new bride ON THE MOUTH. It wasn't romantic. So why should Suspian's kiss be romantic?

Anyways, still love the Archers scene. *and yeah, I do like Suspian, but until VDT comes out that'll have do.*
I kind of feel like, well, Caspian should have seen Susan as a legendary queen. I dont know how to describe it, but...well, if King Arthur came back I wouldnt go around kissing him. Creepy! :eek::p

About the Training Archers scene: I like how when Susan picked the pinecone as a target, Caspian said, "Are you sure that's not an acorn?!" It's like how in the book, she picked out an apple, and Trumpkin said, "Looks more like a cherry than an apple!" :D
They were released on the same day, but it depends on where you go to buy it. I had to get my 3-disc at a Barnes and Noble because only the singe disc was being sold at Wal-Mart. I had to pay more for it, but as a Narnia-obsesser, it was worth it :D