Which, of these, is your favorite?

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Gosh, that was hard! Since you didn't have Eowyn, I had to go for Faramir. not only does he do archery, he can ride a horse, and swing a sword! you've got to love him! Aragorn is cool too, but I like Faramir's personality better, especially in the movies.
I simply had to vote for the Hobbits, because they display the greatest virtues in the entire saga. Bilbo shows us the valor of appreciating beauty, and knowing when to accept responsibility for one's actions.
Frodo, of course, displays more courage and fortitude than anyone else I've ever read about (except Christ, Paul and Martin Luther)! Yet, what is Frodo without Sam, who had the "faith of a child"? (Every great man has his aide: Paul had Timothy, Luther had Melancthon, Tom had Jerry! LOL).

I expect Merry and Pippen may not appear to be so great to some, but one must remember that they chose to continue on with Frodo even after they knew the risks! And, if you've seen Rivendell with all its splendor, for one to willingly leave its shelter belies a great courage and strength of spirit!! These are my Hobbits and why I love them most!!
I voted for Legolas, hehehe, no explanation needed eh?,
hmm, because he's a good friend, He's good in archery,

but I like the strength of Aragorn and the braveness of Eowyn,
I like the passionate arwen and the faithful and loyal hobbits
I like faramir too for being so lovable
I love gimli for giving the best and his comedy acts, (hahahaha!)
I pity smeagol,...(tsk, tsk, tsk,)
WHB is right, hes misunderstood and its all because of the RING!!
i have to say legolas just cause i love orlando bloom, but i also love his character! and i really don't like Arwen, they make her like a super star in the movies, but she rarly is mentioned in the books! :mad: