Favorite Song

Favorite Prince Caspian Song

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I definitely voted for This is Home, because if you think about the lyrics, it's really talking about heaven and not Narnia. Plus, it's Switchfoot.
It was a tough choice for me! I loved both The Call and This is Home as both of them make me cry! But I weant with This is Home for a veriety of reasons.

1. It was the biggest surpise song. When I first heard Switchfoot had a song on the movie I thought it would have been some hard edgy sounding song. It was very soothing and very beutiful.

2. It fit not only PC but the whole Narnia series.

3. It had the same symolic quality that the books do. It's talking about Narnia but it also represents the longing for Heaven.

4. A friend of mine and I took our unsaved friend to Prince Caspian. To our surprise, it was his favorite song too. ( and even more surpisingly he loves the films and the books and he's an athiest!)
im listening to the CD right now. lol.

definitely the call! ;) my favorite song at the moment. but i also like This is Home

its not on the list but i also like Arrival at Aslan's How , Battle at Aslan's How, The Door in the Air..
So after listening to the whole CD...

Out of the songs from the poll, The Call was definitely my favorite. The woman singing it has such a nice soft, innocent voice, and her voice reminds me of Lucy for some reason.

I also really liked "Arrival at Aslan's How" and "The Door in the Air".

My most favorite song though is "The Battle" from the LWW soundtrack. That one is awesome :D
The Call is really hopeful and pretty, This is Home is joyful, A Dance 'Round the Memory tree is kind of melancholy but pretty, and Lucy is hopeful and sad at the same time.
I love them all, but I like The Call the best simply because it added so much emotion to the ending.
I voted for The Call, because I love the lyrics (they seem to convey the feeling of the story so well) and Regina Spektor is an awesome singer ^^
This is home. 2 reasons:


2) The music video is soooooooo awsome. Espically (sp?) at the last of it when they get on he train and the lead singer looks infront of them and there is a girl that is sitting there and has Susan's Horn and bow & arrows. :cool:
Yeh, I like all of them. :( How am I supposed to choose? I particularly like The Call and This Is Home, though, so my choice will be between those two. The Call added something extra to the last part of the movie, in my opinion, and it nearly made me cry. This Is Home, however, makes me remember all the good times I've had with my friends and stuff. I think that, this time around, I will choose memories over tears.

This Is Home is my choice. :)
I voted for "The Call" It was tough between that and "This is Home"

But I narrowed it down to that, "The Call" Always makes me teary eyed. "This is Home" is close though