Favorite things!!

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COLOR: Fuccia :D
ANIMAL: Dolphin
MOVIE: Pirates of the Caribbean and Narnia :D
ACTOR: Orlando Bloom
pLACE OF THE WORLD: Okinawa, Japan
STORE: anywhere they sell converse :D
COLOR: Crimson and tan
ANIMAL: Lizard
MOVIE: Final Fantasy, Naruto and Narnia
ACTOR: Miranda Otto
STORE: Walden Books & Barnes and Noble
My favorite things? Well.... There's Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens... Also, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.... Oh yeah! And brown paper packages tied up with strings....:D

And these are a few of my favorite things:
COLOR: It depends... On most days it's brown...
ANIMAL: Beavers!
MOVIE: The Lord of the Rings, Return of the King
ACTOR: Hmmm... I dunno... I'll go with Sean Austin for the moment...
STORE: Wal-Mart unfortunately... It's unfortunate because I spend money every time I go there...
Colour: Burple
Animal: Wookies
Movie: The Tigger Movie.
Actor: The Muppets.
Place in the World: A chocolate island somewhere... :p
Store: A free one! :D
Favorite things let's see
COLOR: red or blue
ANIMAL: anything and everything except for roaches
MOVIE:Harry Potter, A Beautiful Mind
ACTOR: Jimmy Stewart
PLACE OF THE WORLD:As of now, Australia
STORE: dunno
I'm not good with these lists, but let's see...

Color: all but black or really *BRIGHT* ones.
Animal: bears, dolphins, all felines, chinchillas ^^
Movie: The Lion King.
Actor/Actress: no one...
Place in the World: I don't no many, so, home ;) My neighborhood, to be precise.
Store: any good book or toy store. :D
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COLOR: Too many to list :p
ANIMAL: Big cats,small cats,dogs,rabbits and hamsters!
MOVIE: Narnia,Bridge to Terabithia,Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
ACTOR: Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter.
PLACE OF THE WORLD: London and Thailand.
STORE: I dunno..
Color: pink, and light blue
Animal: cats, then mice, then probably squirrels or Pomeranian dogs
Movie: the Anne of Green Gables miniseries from the 1980s
Actor: Keshia Knight-Pulliam, who played little Rudy in the Cosby Show
Place in the world: Wales, where my parents live; and I like walking in the Cotswolds
Store: Borders
My favorite things? Well.... There's Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens... Also, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.... Oh yeah! And brown paper packages tied up with strings....:D

Aw, you beat me to it. :p That's the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this thread.

Color: Yellow or green
Animal: Cat
Movie: Pride and Prejudice or Singin' in the Rain
Actor/Actress: Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, Lucille Ball
Place in the world: My little town...Or maybe Disney World! :D
Store: A bookstore, as long as I have some money.
Color(s): Silver, blue, black
Animal: Horse
Movie: Just one??? Well, for now it's Phantom of the Opera :p
Actor: Gerard Butler; Actress: dunno
Place in the world: Scotland!! Or Australia!
Store: Barnes and Nobles. They cleaned me out last time I was there :rolleyes:
I am going to iLock this thread, since there already is a "favourites" thread on the board, and it seems to be more popular

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