Filming of the Netflix Narnia series and films


Meeting the World
Staff member
Knight of the Noble Order
Royal Guard
At this time, they haven't started even casting this project, let alone made any major announcements about directors, writers, designers, etc. So we're a long way from seeing any form of casting happening, let alone filming happening.

That said, I have some thoughts I'd like to hear your thoughts on.

I feel like one thing that has made Narnia so hard to film has been the ages of the children in each book, the times that characters may appear in other books (like the Pevensies in The Horse and His Boy), and the fact that some children only appear once or twice. I'm thinking that one way to solve for all of this would be to do a massive production over several months, if not several years. This is clearly risky, so they'd have to be confident in the material and have all of the scripts in at least good shape prior to filming any of it. The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and the upcoming Lord of the Rings TV show all have filmed as much as possible in one go.

With Narnia, it would be different considering the very different nature of the books, but there are several that flow from one to the next. That said, having multiple directors and crews filming different parts of the Chronicles at the same time is possible. They could also share designers, among other things to save on costs and create a cohesive glue to make sure everything flows together.

It would be a huge undertaking, requiring lots of intense planning, teamwork, and coordination.

At the end of the production, they should have everything deep into editing with an editor or two per project. A composer could be hired before a frame has been shot to start writing themes for the characters and various motifs for the different films.

After all of that, they would have the content to refine and release over several years, if not 7 years if they released one Narnia story each year. (That's what makes it risky... if it is terrible or just okay, this is a very dangerous prospect... the films/series has to be outstanding.)

What are your thoughts?
I have definitely been wanting such an approach. I can really appreciate your keen analysis of the key components necessary for such an undertaking. Your words capture this prospect precisely.

The comprehensive cast selection and filming timeline would allow the best options specific to each story and scene to emerge. For example, the properly aged title regent in Prince Capsian could reprise his role in The Voyage of the Dawn Treador. That is, if the latter film is shot about two years after the former, then the relative aging of the characters between the two films (3 years for Caspian, 1 for Edmund and Lucy) would be more believable.

Releasing one film per year under this format would be perfect. From what I can recall, about 4-7 Earth years take place between the events of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and The Last Battle (How long passes between The Silver Chair and The Last Battle?)

If this happened and was successful, and stuck to the original storylines, I'd probably have no particular preference how the films are scheduled for release (chronological/published/written order, etc.). I would be so heartened just to see such faithful, compatible adaptations of the Chronicles.
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"How long passes between The Silver Chair and The Last Battle?)"

Eustace simply tells Tirian that it had been over a year since TSC. I suggest that it was about 20 months (TSC happened at the beginning of the school year while TLB happened toward the end of the next school year).

As for the other books, one year between LWW and PC, "long ago in the war years" between LWW and VotDT, and a few weeks between VotDt and TSC.
