Finally!!!a College Rp!!!

ooc: ^lol, I'm guessing that's to the date?!

ic: When Sara got out of Physiology, she walked around Campus, not wanting to go back to her appartment before her next class.
ooc: lol, I'd have the same reaction...

ic: Sara walked by the skate park and just sighed, "Amatures!"

ooc: g2g soon, we're seeing a movie (Eragon)
Penny trun around and saw a outher girl she walk up to her " her who are you?" she ask looking up and down at her with her skate board in her hand.
ooc: well I guess I'll like it then sinse I havn't read the book...

ic: Sara ignored Penny and walked by HoJo, "Eww!" she exclaimed, she hated when people smoked.