Finally!!!a College Rp!!!

ooc: I know its a little late, but I'd like to join...(I always join these things a "little" late...:rolleyes: See how prompt Slp is...)

ooc. I dont care if you join

ic. "I don't think so, but maybe," he looked over at Mara, "Mara don't your tipple lutz till I can help you." Mara rolled her eyes, "fine."
ooc: Okay, well if I'm not allowed I'm blaming Oxford Girl...jk!

Name: Lianna Moby (Li) or Anna Copper
Age: 20
Looks: She had bright blue-green eyes, pale skin and reddish lips. She has a salty blackish looking hair that's wavy and always pulled into a ponytail. She only has one scar, and its a burnt mark on the bottom of her left hand.
Personality: Li is very reserved and very harsh. She doesn't give in easy to people, but she can be convinced to do things. She isn't a very good student. She's shyer, but nice, when she isn't angry. She's been smoking since she was 13. She doesn't talk alot, more listens, but her policy is "If you ask the right questions, you get the answers."
Bio: Her mother grew up in a very strict Catholic home and married one of those no religioen people. Her mother had Li when she was married, but she was another man's daughter. That caused a lot of tension, and her "dad" often blamed her for it. She didn't have a good home life, her dad always yelling at her mom and hitting her. When she was 12 she ran away to live with her Aunt and was reported "missing" for years, and is still considered "missing." She changed her last name to her aunts last name, and her first name which was origonally "Anna" she changed to "Lianna" people calling her Li. No one has yet to find out she's the missing "Anna Copper". She doesn't know what happened to her family after that. She found out who her real dad was, now a famous singer. She holds lots of secrets no one knows, and no one has really bothered to find out.
" yea thank for letting me come and okay sure I'll call you Jack but you can call me Pin" she said witha bigger smile " he cute" she said in her mind
ooc. Penny and Mara are st the ice rink

ic. Mara smiled, she looked at her watch, "I got to go soon, I have class in tweny minutes." Jack looked at her, "cant you skip class, please." Mara laughed, "no, I cant."
OOC: Penny still have Lance's skate board * danceing in cicles*

" well I have to to before any one get mad at me to bye now" she said waveing bye.
Skyla turned around and had an uneasy smile on her face.
"Hi Lance...Bye Lance!!!"Skyla said running out of Starbucks as fast as she could.
Penny was comeing in she bumped into her " oops sorr about that I wasn't looking were I was going " she said looking up and saw it was Skyla " oh hey girl have you seen Lance I have some of his?" she ask witha smrik.