Five FACTS About YOU

one. i am a total thespian. I do drama, summer theatre, spring musical, speech team/forensics, choir, and dance.

two. my three best friends are my life. Chad, Ryan & Amber=the greatest folks alive.

three. i would DIE without music. i like every single genre and i love to sing.

four. i am very very active in FFA [Future Farmers of America]...and I love that organization. it's definitely the best in the world. :)

five. i'm outgoing and loud and crazy and random. haha. oh and I'm going to Greece for Spring Break!! haha exciteddd.
1.) I am a Die Hard Red Sox fan!
2.) I could live on swedish Fish
3.) I am Italian
4.) I love soccer and volleyball
5.) I love celebrity poker!
1. I have a fro

2. I'm addicted to frappuccinos

3. I'm gonna take up Skateboarding again

4. I want to become a youth pastor when I'm older

5. And I want to have a Ring-Tailed Lemur as a pet
sorry but i want to post five more facts about me

1. read my location
2. i feel horrible
3. all i want to do right now is cry
4. i'm very sad
5. i'm going to try to fix things so i won't be as sad

please no questions
1. I like Video Games
2. I am always bored
3. Everyone besides my family hates me
4. My only friend is FAAARRR away
5. I have black/brown hair
1. I'm a first degree black belt in tae-kwon-do
2. I love to write especially fantasy
3. I'm Native American, Italian, Irish, French Canadian, and American
4. I'm in a rock band
5. I love to act
Alrighty, five facts..

1. Patricia Heaton is my role model.
2. I despise squash.
3. My dream job is film directing.
4. I collect faeries.
5. My favorite band is Aerosmith.
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1. I LOVE American football. Da Bears! "Oskee wow-wow, Illinois!" (University of Illinois)
2. I play the drums and am in marching band. Go Eagles!
3. I love to read, especially fiction or fantasy (Such as Narnia).
4. I am a Christian.
5. I am Czechoslovokian, Polish, German, and Scot-Irish (and maybe part English too because of my grandmother's maiden name).
ok lets see here hurts my head to think longer than ten seconds at a time
2.i blank out and stare into space for no reason obssed with gaara of the desert
4.i like a few girls in my class lol
5.i like knives
1. I am Narborg :D
2. I LOVE narnia !!!!!!!!
3. I read c s lewis books
4 I study history and politics
5 Im not going to marry a vegaterian............. :rolleyes:
1.I've never-ever-ever-ever-ever-EVER been a Flamingo smuggler...honest...What?Why don't you believe me? :eek:
2.I'm NOT a Flamingo...
3.I DON'T own a pet Flamingo
4. I'm a wee bit drowsy...
5. I'm in no way,shape,form or sort responsible for the formation of the Monkey's Association of Caffinated Primates. :D
Gondor Knight of Narnia said:
1.I've never-ever-ever-ever-ever-EVER been a Flamingo smuggler...honest...What?Why don't you believe me? :eek:
2.I'm NOT a Flamingo...
3.I DON'T own a pet Flamingo
Hmmmmm, how many of them can I believe? :p

!. I llllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove
@. I is watching Indian Jones while me is typing.
#. I LOVE Savage Garden
$. Elindil is my buddy.
%. I is loving Blood, Sweat and Tears.