Focus on the Family Audiodrama

Son of Aslan

New member
I was just wondering, what is everyone's opinion of the Focus on the Family Audiodrama of The Chronicles of Narnia?

CBD is offering a promotional price on the Focus on the Family's Chronicles of Narnia CD boxed set. Click on WW972996.
I have this set and I LOVE IT!!! I think it is awesome. I listen to these cd's all the time while I'm at work. I would highly suggest you buy them if you have the chance. They're well worth the money!
I ripped all the CD's into MP3 format onto 3 CD's. And then I have playlists and keep a copy on my laptop's hard drive. I listened to H&HB. just today. The first track on disk 3 (One who has waited long) of H&HB always gets to me.

Suchet would not have been my first choice. He does fine when his voice is low. But when he gets high, it leaves a lot to be desired.
They're great! I haven't listened to all of them, but the ones I own I've listened to. The cast is very talented and it's a fun way to re-live the books.
me too they were on the radio

i've listened to the focus on the famiy audiobooks on Christian radio and i've rented them from the public libiary a couple of times :)
I've heard only parts of the audiodrama CDs and from what I've heard, they are great. The same was with the CD dramas of the Left Behind Series. They were so good also. Better than the movies.(Left Behind not Narnia).
i rented them again :)

i just rented the focus on the family radio theater audiobooks again from the libiary :) i get to keep them for about 3 weeks :) has anyone heard the magicians nephew on audiobook yet? that was one of the ones i rented
son of Aslan, the track you referred to gets to me all the time as well. I'd say it's my favorite part among all the books. Yes, I have the whole collection; the one I listen to much would be either HHB or TLB. I love them all.
I have listened to them all. It was so fun when I was younger to grab my blankets and huddle around the radio on a Saturday morning and listen to them with my siblings.
They were running them on a radio station not far from me; but I can't ever pick up a signal, and the station didn't have a very strong transmitter, and they went off air permanently so there's no station that plays them anymore. at least I have them on cd. :D
I have the boxed set of all seven and they're awesome! I found mine at wal-mart over a year ago I think. I've imported them into my iTunes and they are on my iPod which is nice because I can listen to them without interrupting to change CD's. It's amazing how similar the voices of the cast are to the ones in the LWW movie!
I have the LWW one. It was pretty good, I thought the kid's voices were excellent. Aslan's voice was terrible though, I must admit. Jadis was... okay. But the thing that made me want to explode is Tumnus's Narnian lullaby... it was... HORRIBLE! Other than those minor things, it was great.
I have the box set of all seven and all of the disks. My sis and I love to turn them on and listen to them, especially to parts like in TVOTDT when Reep says "But I thought you would be good to the talking beasts of Narnia!" and Caspian says "I said talking beasts, not ones who never STOP TALKING!" My sis cracked up. I thought they were very good, and now my sis listens to them without my permission. The were my birthday present from my mom and dad. I love them now!!
Hi Fourmarauders1,
You can buy Focus on the Family Radio Theater's edition of The Magician's Nephew separately for a reasonable price at's+nephew
By purchasing them directly at Focus on the Family you are supporting the worthy organization and artists that created this series rather than pirating unauthorized copies.

Alternatively many library systems have this edition of Magician's Nephew available for free check out.