Focus on the Family's version

We're talking about the audio dramas of the chronicles, and I'm wondering if the BBC's audio dramas are as good or better then the ones done by 'Focus on the Family.' The Focus versions have introductory dialogue by Douglas Gresham C.S. Lewis's stepson, making them even more special.
Yes, I have the set of all seven and I love them! Funny on LWW how close some of the voices are to the ones in the movie. Or is it just me? Anyways, they are really cool. And I agree that Gresham doing the intros does make it really cool.
Focus on the Family

I haven't heard the BBC version, but I enjoyed the FotF's version. I just finished "Prince Caspian" and loved every minute of it. I thought it was well done and I loved hearing Douglas Gresham talk about things that C.S. Lewis, aka Jack, did while writing the books.
Aslan'sFriend410, I agree that some of the voices sounded a lot like the kids in the movie, especially Peter and Susan. So you're not alone.
Oh, yeah. I love Focus on the Family's version. I've listened to all of them I don't know how many times, and I have to agree with you both, some of the voices do sound like the actors in the movie, especially Susan and Peter, and in my opinion, Jadis.
Cool! I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. I'm glad Jadis' speech on the Stone Table before she kills Aslan is a little more toned down in the movie though. The voice in their version sounds almost blood curdling to me at that point. Very dramatic but also not for younger listeners.
I have all the focus on the family chronicles of Narnia dramas on cd. There very cool. Before the movie came out I would listen to them all day.(and I still do somtimes) Actually, it's wierd, I cant get to sleep at night unless I either read Narnia befor I go to bed or fall asleep to one of the adio dramas.
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I know what you guys mean when you say you can't sleep without listening to the CDs. If I don't listen to that, I listen to the music inspired by CD. I love that thing.
FoF radio dramas

Tirian of Narnia said:
I have all the focus on the family chronicles of Narnia dramas on cd. There very cool. Before the movie came out I would listen to them all day.(and I still do somtimes) Actually, it's wierd, I cant get to sleep at night unless I either read Narnia befor I go to bed or fall asleep to one of the adio dramas.

I have never been one for radio dramas. But a friend of mine was asked to be a judge for radio drama awards. He was given the FoF versions of the SC and LB to review. When he was done with them, he offered them on an antique pro audio enthusiast's list I am on. I took him up on the offer and got them. I was quite impressed by the dramas. I ended up buying the whole set when they were released as such last fall. About the only criticisms I can level at the dramas is that MN and LWW seemed to be shorter than the others, and that David Suchet does not a good Aslan make!
I have all of the Focus on the FAmily versians i actualyl just finished The horse and his boy number three really goood evvery time I listen to them whenever I hear Aslan I jump MY friend let me borrow them and I have loved them ever since I got them on sale
I have some cool news for everybody: yesterday, my family and I went to Colorado Springs (located in Colorado, of course) and went to Focus on the Family. While we were there, we were able to go through the wardrobe and into Narnia, (though not much, it was pretty cool) They had part of the audio drama playing over the speakers, and the mural there was pretty cool. I wish I had gotten a picture of it and the wardrobe, but thought that was invading the rights of Focus on the Family. Anyway, it was cool, and if you're ever in Colorado Springs, visit Focus on the Family and tour the facilities. It's worth half a day.
Starbuck said:
I've got all of them and they are excellent, but are the BBC audio dramatisations any better?
I own the 'Radio Theatre CON' audio cd set, also.

Several years ago, I rented all the BBC CON audio dramatizations from my public library, and I think that several are better than the "Focus" version: for instance, Magician's Nephew (it actually has Aslan's singing Narnia into me shivers!) and Voyage of the 'Dawn Treader'.
Also, I think that the man who plays Aslan in the BBC is Aslan - the way I imagined him - David Suchet sounds almost silly some of the time (EXCEPT for Focus' "Horse and His Boy" - I cry everytime he goes through the whole scene with Shasta through the mists of the mountain pass: "...and I was the lion...")
BBC's "Magician's Nephew" was the first Narnia story I ever heard on audio. Mom bought it at a homeschool curriculum sale- I have listened to it more than 20 times and it never gets old! :cool: My favorite line is The Cabby's (Frank's), "Quiet everyone - I want to listen to the moooosic!" *Though I have the whole tape memorized anyways...haha :rolleyes: :D