Forgotten Past RPG

ooc - you know you could just have some people that are normal people that like we bump into somewhere along the road...either good or bad people..
Name: Adam Young
Age: 19
Short Bio: He's in college, but is back home on summer break, lives with his uncle who has a brain tumor, and only has 2% chance of living.
Appearance: 5'10" 127lbs., thin bushy red hair that goes past his cheeks, and green eyes
Personality: very bright, and has a lot of enthusiasm. He's also curious, and has a habit of being noisy at times
Fear: feeling alone
What does he/she know:

ooc: sorry if I came in and sounded annoying wondering if I could join.....seriously
Name: Adam Young
Age: 19
Short Bio: He's in college, but is back home on summer break, lives with his uncle who has a brain tumor, and only has 2% chance of living.
Appearance: 5'10" 127lbs., thin bushy red hair that goes past his cheeks, and green eyes
Personality: very bright, and has a lot of enthusiasm. He's also curious, and has a habit of being noisy at times
Fear: feeling alone
What does he/she know:

ooc: sorry if I came in and sounded annoying wondering if I could join.....seriously

ooc. its ok, thanks for joining, sorry if I sounded annoyed. I'm having a bad day.
Alyssa quietly walked up behind them without making a sound.

ooc - bahaha creepy o.o

Jack stopped in his tracks hearing the slightest patter of foot steps and whisked around about to attack her. He stopped. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" he asked unclenching his fists.
OOC: I'm just going to jump in and wake up in the room now...

IC: Monica slowly opened her eyes. Something wasn't right, "Where was she? Who was she? What was going on?" Were her thoughts. She slowly sat up and looked around the semi-dark room. There were beds, eight including the one she was in, all lined up into two columns, some empty, others still had someone resting on them. This must be a dream. She quietly mumbled, laying her head back down onto the pillow.