Front Page Poll Suggestions

could there be one for PC? I've got an idea.......

Which charatcer are you looking forward to see in Prince Caspian?
1. Caspian
2. Miraz
3. Reepicheep
4. Trufflehunter
5. Trumpkin/Nikibrik.

Here's one for TDL members...

What kind of Narnia convention would you be most likely to attend in 2008 (this will help us know what to plan or shoot for)?

1) One made up of TDL members in your local area (West coast, Central, East coast).
2) A large one in a yet-to-be determined city, possibly (not for sure) with cast and or crew members as guests that isn't potentially geographically that close.
3) Wouldn't/Couldn't attent one at all.
4) I'd want to attend both a local one and a national one.
Here's one:
What do you think of the extra scenes that weren't in the book:
-I didn't mind them
-I think the additions were amazing!
-They should have stuck to the book.
-There were additions from the book?
How about... :p

What do you think about the rumoured Susan/Caspian romance?

A) I LOVE it!
B) I am indifferent, as long as they make the movie
C) I don't really think it's a good idea
D) I am extremely upset about it