Funniest thing that has happened to you today

oxford girl

New member
The tile explanes it all.:D

The funniest thin that happened to me today, was that I was getting ready to go shopping with my sister. And I couldn't find my sunglassed, I spent half an hour looking for my sun glasses, and when I finaly gave up, my sis said that they were on my head. I felt so dumb, but it was really funny.
The tile explanes it all.:D

The funniest thin that happened to me today, was that I was getting ready to go shopping with my sister. And I couldn't find my sunglassed, I spent half an hour looking for my sun glasses, and when I finaly gave up, my sis said that they were on my head. I felt so dumb, but it was really funny.
LOL! I hate when that happens!

The funniest thing in my house today ... All the time, my husband tells me what our dog is saying, in this funny voice, and it makes it like the dog cusses a lot, which is amusing, because we don't use that kind of language in out house (except when he speaks for the dog -- it's dumb). So I have a dr's appt tomorrow, and there's this remote possibility I could be expecting a baby, so I told my hubby if that is the case, we have to clean up our language around here -- and he said, "Well that dog will have to..." as if he were not the one who tells me what the dog is saying! I almost choked on some tea I was drinking ...
LOL! I hate when that happens!

The funniest thing in my house today ... All the time, my husband tells me what our dog is saying, in this funny voice, and it makes it like the dog cusses a lot, which is amusing, because we don't use that kind of language in out house (except when he speaks for the dog -- it's dumb). So I have a dr's appt tomorrow, and there's this remote possibility I could be expecting a baby, so I told my hubby if that is the case, we have to clean up our language around here -- and he said, "Well that dog will have to..." as if he were not the one who tells me what the dog is saying! I almost choked on some tea I was drinking ...

LOL!! that's really funny
That's so Awesome inkspot!!!! I pray that things will go the way you want there!!!

The funniest thing for me today was at work when I had a handfull of mailing inserts in hand and I was flipping through the stack in my hand and all of a sudden lost hold of them and they went everywhere. It doesn't sound funny, but it was.
All those things are hilarious :D
I liked my day but the most funniest thing was probably when I was in musical theory class and the room was really silent. My friend wanted o talked to me so she wrote down a text message in her cellphone and passed it to me. But at that moment our tecaher started upon us but he didn´s say anything :p
Umm... the funniest thing was probably at lunch, when my friend flipped over her little plastic thing of mustard but the mustard didn't plop out or move! Then all of us at the table were laughing. Hah.
TeeHee, the funniest thing that happened to me today was, (I'm a 9th grader) One of the Seniors (12th graders) in my math class, asked me how to graph a quadratic equation... I looked at her like -.-, and then we both burst out laughing!!!! Then I explained it to her:rolleyes:
That's so Awesome inkspot!!!! I pray that things will go the way you want there!!!

The funniest thing for me today was at work when I had a handfull of mailing inserts in hand and I was flipping through the stack in my hand and all of a sudden lost hold of them and they went everywhere. It doesn't sound funny, but it was.
Thanks, Jules! :)

That is amusing; I can just see the inserts fllying everywhere!
Everyday our classroom is filled with laughter especially by our clown boys they always tease my other classmate as basketball and they sing the song here in the Philipines by a certain band. the song is fast and jolly but my classmates always make it classical and so many many other funny things:D
I just woke up not that long ago so nothing that has happened so far can really count as funny since I'm like the only person awake in my house right now :D
I meet with a ladies Bible study on Friday mornings when i am home, at a local restaurant. Today we were all seated at our table chatting, and one of the ladies said, "I wonder where that guy is with the hairy arms who always sits behind us? You know that guy who always wears a sleeveless shirt, with the hairy arms?"

None of the rest of us had ever noticed this guy, so of course then, whenever a man walked in, we were all looking at his arms ... and pretty soon, this man came in, sleeveless shirt, hairy arms, and sat down in the booth behind us. So here's a bunch of ladies, the youngest is over 30 years old, all giggling and acting the fool because of this guy ... It's hard to concentrate once you get something like that in your head.
we did a lab in science as always. and i asked the teacher to turn the bunsen burner on for me and he turned it on and thank god for the goggles or i would have no eyelashes or eyebrows right now o_O
oh and sometihng else that happened in that same clas. we were there, and this girl she was like having urges to burn her hand and her firned was teling me to close the valve or wtv of the gas cuz it was near me and there were two right, so i went and OPENED the one with no pipe in it and they're like "NO THE OTHER ONE THE OTHER ONE!"
and thi sgirl was freaking out.
lol, i didn't notice, i was just looking at the bunsen burner and i was like "why isn't it turning off?"
lol cuz i was not turning the right one...the one WITH the pipe, yeah