Get to know your Narnians (please do not delete)

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:D XD you're so funny, Laura!

My fave band is Blur and Linkin park...I love britpop bands.

Are you really interesting to music? I mean bands only or every kind of musics?
I like Awakening... I think that's the title. It's a Christian rock magazine. I don't get it offten, but I like it.

What's your favorite book?
snickers, m&m's, SWISS CHOCOLATE!, butterfingers... german chocolate... anything that's chocolate basically... unless it has nuts (peanuts are ok)

What is your favorite genre of music?
hm... either anatomy and phsyology or music or literature.... or another language (french, german, italian, and latin)

what's YOUR favorite subject in school?
They are lots: Jane Eyre, Inkheart and Inkspell, Chronicles of Anciend Darkness e.t.c. I can´t choose one favourite book.

Whos´your fave actress
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