Get to know your Narnians (please do not delete)

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Anna pursuaded me with her evil power thingy--err---tool--person.. Daniel Radcliffe :eek: that's why there's a thread for DR fans.. becoz of ME! nyahaha.. Yeah, I'm special.

If you could change one thing in the world, what would that be? (hehe.. it's like a miss universe question XD)
A motor boat. :) but then I'll probably run out of gas in the middle of the ocean... A swimsuit! but what if I get too tired? and probably some sharks near. Cell phone? nah. I won't have any signal.

Hmm.. A laptop with wireless internet. So I could be sane while on the deserted island.

If you probably have children (whether you like it or not) what would you name them? (boy AND girl.)
Bands: Panic at the disco, Fall out boy, Linkin park, my chemical romance, Family force 5etc. :p

Singer: Err... A lot!

Nope, I'm only punk. I happen to look at the brighter side of things sometimes. :p

Fave video game?
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