Get to know your Narnians (please do not delete)

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Oh God..Um....I'll have to say Return of the Jedi because its the only one I can think of now.

What calendar currently hangs in your room?
Sufjan Stevens, Mute Math, Kobe Bryant, and the Angels World Series Champs.

What is your favourite sport(s)?
Oreo cookies with a cold glass of milk. (which I'm eating now)

reasons why one of your professors/teachers was your least favorite...
maths & Science...


haha, Grace! :eek: that's my favourite! :D

Least favourite: Probably a physics class that I had to take last quarter called quantum mechanics where the prof was HORRIBLE!

Favourite snack: Trail mix! :)

Favourite movie director?
Dark Brown

(And someone else can answer ashley's question since it's still on the board...)

(did anyone else just get kicked off the DL for several minutes?)
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