GG's Special Kitchen - please donate!

MF: CaaaaaaaaaaaannnddYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*becomes hyper*
GG:*doesn't feel to great* "That medicine is gross, at least I think it is the medicine."
MF: *goes into hyper-speed due to hyper activity*
GG: *Doesn't like weird queezy feeling in her stomach*
MF: *bounces out of GG in hyper speed and doesn't realize she is free*
GG: *feels better*
MF: *calms down* "Wow, my sunflowers must have really taken off" *Lives happily in a field full of sunflowers that is not in GG's stomach(not realizing that she is free still*

EDIT: I forgot my donation. Donates Dr. Who pic.
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