As awesome as this thread is, I still consider another one even funnier than this one. It was that old (since locked)
Roleplay By Monologues thread that Copperfox started long ago when we had those wild role players that had joined by the handful! Go read through that thread. I promise you, YOU WILL FALL off your chair!
My favorite parts were the Amish rollerskaters and the whole incident of Magneto vs. Weird Al. Emmett the Cowboy got his start there and the thread also saw the birth of that famous superhero Bat-Bat, who's been underground for a while now. Super Duper Man made a brief appearance there too and we were able to travel into the future to see Harrison Ford at 110 years old attend the premiere of his newest flick
Indiana Jones Versus the Adult-Diaper Stealing Mummies. Ah! And who can forget all the 13-year old female roleplayers trying outdo each other with invincible swords and going on interminable quests that no one but themselves understood?