Glorious Food II (Please Don't Delete)

(we are having a conversation on school on IM, this is not normal.) Darn it! Ummm.... *thinking really hard* Another one comes up and attacks you! hahahahhahaha!!!!
ooooooooo was one squishy!??? He is mine. and he will be my squishy. your a good squishy! *stings dori* bad squishy!! bad bad bad!!! (thats from finding nemo btw.)

oh ya. and bc, you are dori.
just keep swimming swimming, swimming, what will we do we just keep swimming!!! *sings tune musically* oh ya. now for revenge on BC. Me want it now... OK. BC is a little girl. BC hates sly. BC hates rocky. She is so happy that she hates rocky. She is so happy that she hates sly. muahahahahahahaha. now. just keep swimming, just keep swimming just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, what do we do? we swim. swim. swim. :D