All this hate for Gollum. I always found him amusing and also, pathetic. Not in the roll your eyes sense, but the pity sense.
Gollum was once Smeagol. He was once a Hobbit, a Stoorish Hobbit to be exact, but not very different from Frodo and Sam. And he was the fourth bearer of the ring. The evil power of the ring consumed Smeagol and caused him to kill his good friend. Now think about this...if Frodo let the ring take over him, he would have likely killed Sam and became a Gollum himself.
And the murder haunted him, but the ring haunted him more. The ring's power caused him to have a split personality. He retained Smeagol, the kind hearted hobbit, but Gollum who was as corrupted as the ring would show up as well. And since he lived all alone, he had only himself to talk to.
This makes him more a character to pity, rather then hate. He suffered from schizophrenia, perhaps was bi-polar as well. He was once a good person who was corrupted by evil, and every now and then, that good person tries to come out, but the evil won't let him win. He is a tragic character. I always like those kind.