Google Your Name

Miss Tumnus

New member
So, the point of this is you have to type your name in Google and tell us what you came out. So when your name is Lucy Pevensie, you type "Lucy Pevensie" and click search. Maybe you should also try "Pevensie Lucy", if that works better.
I found out that I'm like the only person with my name... And my cousin has posted one of my poems on his sites and he has like 8 sites...
Now you guys!
*sighs* I´m mentioned on a school blogpage cause I attend school with a distant cousin and we have the exact same name :rolleyes: Mentioned on my school´s webpage on the class list and that´s it :p
Lol. When I put in my name I get lots of info on Eowyn in LotR. :p Plus Miranda Otto, and somebody with my name that has a, uh..."music" group. *grimace*
scary....I was afraid personal info would show up, but thankfully it didn't. There's an actress with my name who makes appearances on Law and Order...:rolleyes: IF you google my username on here, it takes you to my profile. :eek: or anyone else's...

I've tried this before - I'm a qualified financial assistant. :D

When I googled LoL's name, I found out that she died tragically of breast cancer five years ago. And I've been living all this time with a GHOST?!? :D
I found a link to my blog, an article of mine that was published a couple of years ago, information about my father's poker stats, and an article that my uncle wrote (he's a college professor at a small college in New York). That's all under my maiden name. As a married woman, I only merit Google mention as a member of the English Department faculty at the Junior High where I taught English.

Inkling, on the other hand, brings up numerous references to C.S. Lewis and his fellow writers. Of course, since "inkling" is also a regular English word, it brings up a mess of sites that way too.
When I searched on my real name I found an article and a picture of me and a couple of others in a local newspaper.

When I searched on my username I found mostly articles on Wikipedia about the Maiar and Arien being the sun maiden in Tolkiens work:)
But when I put narnia after my username I found my profile page on here and a link to the 100000th post game:eek::rolleyes:
LOL! When, I did just my first name, it came up with a shuttle system! Then, when I did my first and last name, it came up with something about a docter in Scotland! Then I reversed it, this time, it came up with a University's registry, from 1999!...Of course, my screen name came up with some website with the same name! And to top it off, I went ahead and tried it with 'Narnia' after it, and guess what? It took me to a Myspace page! :rolleyes:
Peter Cottontail Animated Easter Song Page
Here Comes Peter Cottontail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Adventures Of Peter Cotton Tail: Ryder Rabbit's friends.

darn humans, making songs about me.
well, i google my real name and found
-i was found dead outside a cottage
-im part of the national government
-me and my brother (well his name was the husbands name) had twins
-and i found some real articles about me from our local newspaper