Google Your Name

-Somebody that did something for the show "Blues Clues"
-A Real estate Agent in California
- A Road Walk Chmpion
- A high school student athlete in Virginia (That's scary. She's the same age as me too. o.o)

That's it really...
- About a million artists
- Some big speaker
- An Author
- An Illustrator
- An Actress
- A Latin dancer
- An Ebay Mongol
- A singer
- A Real Estate agent
- A music teacher
- A doctor (in the same state as me, too... kinda weird...)
- A ghost hunter (whoa...)
- A candle and home decor maker/artist/whatever
- A Costumer/stage designer

And a ton more... why oh why are there so many of me?!
I googled my first & last name and came up with 3 insurance agents (hmmmm :rolleyes:),an owner of a hotel,someone on facebook,a hocky player and a lady who graduated back in 1959.:p
Oh and I learned Audrey Hepburn had the same middle name,supposidly as I do..both of us were named Audrey Kathleen.:D
I did it again, I came up with a lot of stuff (a lot of facebook...) and nothing I've found yet was actually me :rolleyes:

Yeah I got to page 17 without finding me, I have a pretty common name ;)

I searched for "Gondorgirl" and came up with some stuff from me, Next I'm going to google image search for Gondorgirl and see what I find