Gotta love HS RPG

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"Sweet! That's nice!", said Aaron with a big smile. "There aren't many Christian here in this school, but it's nice to now no one."

OOC: I'm a Christian too in real life. I may have my character join your group.

IC: Josh left the Cafeteria to go to his Algebra 2 class.
Ooc: sweet man! Not only that but we're both Josh......kinda awkward huh:D

ic: After the teacher was done, she had them work on the first lesson out of the text book, which Aaron wasn't hoping she would have them do. "Oh well", sighed Aaron as he picked up his pencil.
ooc: Yea I can understand, I myself can be serious, but I a ggod handful of the time I can be pretty silly. Cause the truth is God want us to enjoy life:D

ic: Aaron suddenly got stuck on the second to last problem, and sat there hard in thought trying to figure it out..
Aaron sighed as he sat back and began to hum one of his songs. "Aron", said the teacher. "Yes ma'am" replied Aaron. "Keep quiet, and let the rest of your class mates gfinish their work." "Yes Ma'am", he responded.
OOC: Luna is in the same class as you Josh J :]

ic: Luna giggled looking up at him from her note book " Silly boy," she said to herself.
The Bell rang, which signaled everyone for the next class. "Finally, World History as he walked out of the classroom to his locker to swap books.
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