Gotta love HS RPG

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After Josh did his schoolwork he left his house to go to Luna's. While walking down the street he saw Kat still running. He wondered why she was running so many hours. Suddenly he heard a loud gunshot.
"I don't know! I hear it coming from that house!" Josh said pointing to the house across the street. They then heard a loud scream. "Should we call the cops?"
"I don't know." Kat replied. "I can't since I don't have a cell. Maybe we should check it out first." Kat grabbed Josh's arm completely unaware of it watching the house for any sign of trouble.
Aaron heard the gunshot as well, and was outside in a flash to see what was going on. "Hey! You guys don't go near there!" he yelled at Kat and Josh as he spotted them.
Kat glanced around at the neighborhood wondering who could have fired the gunshot they had heard and If there would be more. "Aaron maybe we should get out of the open. Just in case." Kat said glancing at Aaron then at Josh.
"No not at all", said Aaron as he quickly got them all inside safely. "Uh go ahead and make yourselves at home", he said as he looked out the front window at the house where the gunshot came from.
"Thanks Aaron." Kat said as she walked in and moved away from the windows. She glanced around the room then turned back to Aaron. "See anything?"
Josh pulled away from Kat. "Okay guys calm down! Whoever is shooting, is not trying to kill us."
"We just don't to take any chances. Stray bullets killing innocent bystanders. Stuff like that could happen. I personally don't want to take that chance." Kat replied understanding but wanting to go home in one piece.
"We just don't to take any chances. Stray bullets killing innocent bystanders. Stuff like that could happen. I personally don't want to take that chance." Kat replied understanding but wanting to go home in one piece.

"I guess your right." he turned to Aaron. "Uh, I'm Josh. I don't think I talked to you today. Your in my history class right."
"Name's Aaron, nice to meet ya", said Aaron still staring out the window not too interested at meeting Josh at the moment.

OOC: The ideas was that since Aaron and Kat were so worked up about the shooting, Josh was trying to change the subject. He wasnt really trying to make a friend in the situation.
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