Gotta love HS RPG

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Tears rooled down her cheeks " What am I do I tought we be together for a little longer," she told her.

OOC: Sorry Night I thought to do that because you having a hard to with two people .
When Josh went inside Physics class he saw Mr. Raslayder giving the class an angry look. He then said "You all know what happend to my car. Now whoever did it speak up, or I will make their lives miserable. WHO RUINED MY CAR!"
OOC: Any time :]

ic: Luna didn't let go of her " I don't know what I do with myself and I think I know who did that to his car," she told her.
She looked up at her " Do you know a kid in our class name Len well he and he budies where talking about what they well do to his car," she told her.
"Really? We should tell Aaron and Josh when they get out of class. Meanwhile we should be getting to class ourselves. What class do you have now?" Kat asked.
Aaron walked into physics, "Calm down man", he said as he sat down in his seat.

"Don't tell me to calm down! I am the teacher. I am the adult! You are to do as I say. And I want to know who wrecked my car! Where's Luna! She's supposed to be in this class! Mabye she did it and she doesnt want to come to class to face punishment!"
She smiled " I'm in gym today the only thing I was in that class because Mike was in it," she told her, walking to her next class.
When Luna walked in Mr. Raslayder spoke sternly and angerly "So where were you? Your fifteen minutes late! What have you been doing?"
OOC: You are in Physics class with me and Aaron. And me and Aaron are in Physics. So yeah, you are in class. And Mr. Raslayder is very angery with you. I don't know why I created such an annoying and mean character. I guess I'm expressing my views on most teachers.
OOC: Because you are weird Josh :[

ic: She cross her arms " Why are you so mad at me I didn't do anything to you did I?," she told him, in a clam tone " I was late because I was in the nures office I been feeling weird all day sorry," she told him, walking to sit behind Josh, glaring at the boy next to her.
Josh gave a scared look. BIG MISTAKE in talking back to the teacher. Mr. Raslayder then shouted "Don't you DARE talk back to me young lady!"

Josh couldnt take this any more. He was sick of Raslayder being mean to his friends. "STOP!" he yelled. "WHAT IS THE MATTER With YOU! IS Your goal in life to annoy the heck out of sudents! She was at the nurse's office. PLEASE SHUT UP! YOUR SO FREAKIN MEAN!"
Josh then realized he let his anger get the hold of him, and he took it too far. The class was staring at him in shock. Even Raslader seemed suprised, after all Josh hadnt done anything to slightly offend him so far. The class was silent for about a minute(though some kids gave quite laughs). Then Mr. Raslayder spoke in a quite, but firm and cold voice "Josh, I want you to see me after class." Josh was surprised that was all he said. He wondered why Raslayder didnt just send him to the principal's office. He quietly sat in his seat.
She took his hand " Josh you didn't need to get yourself in trouble over me," she told him, then got up running out hold her month.

Mark laughed " Oh, great we got a cry baby," he said.
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