New member
ooc- okay thats cool
"yes hes in my year but ive never really talked to him" miranda said
ooc- thats really a good idea hey gondorgirl would it be okay if they had a parents day at hogwarts
Scorpius kept running until he reached a very long tunnel at the third floor, and he stopped. The tunnel is impasse...he had no way out from it...and he heard that Filch's steps came closer...
Suddenly, someone invisible grabbed him...
Hannah, who was standing by the door thought she heard Mr. Filtch and Scorpius. She went over to James. "I think something happened to Scorpius I'm going to check can I borrow the cloak and map?" She whispered.
seems we haven't moved much since I was last here. but as soon as I log off you all will add ten pages
ooc: once again....the different timezones are totally sucks Hi, GG!!! I never RPing with you, even you are the owner of the thread so...let's continue...
ic: "Hannah!!!" Scorpius whispered "Filch is behind me! Let's hide...!!!" He still didn't realized that they are invisible..
" THAT WAS ISLA " screamed James. He didnt realzie that Filch was right infront of them. " WHO GOES THERE " he yelled. James backed away. But Filch was too quick. He tore the cloak off of them. " Ive gotcha now Potter " he smirked. James panicked and pulled out his wand. Petrificus Totalus! And with that , Filch fell to the ground , hard as a rock. James looked at Scorpius and then at the cloak. He again chucked it over them and ran down the hall and into a classroom. He shut the door and locked it then tore off the cloak. " Isla was in the DA room " he asked."James!!! Glad you here..." Scorpius talked in panic "I'm sorry that brought you into this trouble, but I have an important news for you!! I guess Isla knew about the DA meeting!! Did you see her in there?" he whispered
" THAT WAS ISLA " screamed James. He didnt realzie that Filch was right infront of them. " WHO GOES THERE " he yelled. James backed away. But Filch was too quick. He tore the cloak off of them. " Ive gotcha now Potter " he smirked. James panicked and pulled out his wand. Petrificus Totalus! And with that , Filch fell to the ground , hard as a rock. James looked at Scorpius and then at the cloak. He again chucked it over them and ran down the hall and into a classroom. He shut the door and locked it then tore off the cloak. " Isla was in the DA room " he asked.
Hannah was terrified, "You just stunned Filch!!" She said to James. She panicked and pulled out her wand. "Oblivate hour past!" She then followed James and Scoprius. She got a little sick as she heard Scoprius tell them about Isla. "I let her go. She's got to be that Slytherin girl, I've never seen her." She said. "We've got to do something!"