Harry Potter RPG II

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Another Harry Potter RPG...
about 20 years later

Main Characters:


Name: Emily Len Rose:::Gentle Voice
Age: 15
Year: 5
House: Syltherin of course
Blood Status: Pure

Name: Amanda Johnson:::Llama-Llama-Duck
Blood Status: Muggle Born

Name:Kath Mullings:::iminlovewithedwardcullen
Year: 5th
House: Ravenclaw
Bloodstatus: Half


Name- Benjamin "Ben" Matthews:::Gondorgirl
House- Gryffindor
Blood Status- Muggle-born

Name: Juliette Vivari:::Your Sister Lila
Age: 14
Year: 4
House: Gryffindor
Blood Status: Pureblood

Name- Fred Weasley:::Gondorgirl- until a someone else wants him
Year- 4
House- Gryffindor
Blood Status- pure

Name- Ella Woods:::Narnian1
Year- 4
House- Gryffindor
Blood Status- pure


Name- Angelique 'Angel' Albright:::Falloutgirl
Age- 14
Year- 3
House- Gryffindor
Blood Status- half-blood

Name- James Potter:::~Grateful * Surrender~
Year- 3
House- Gryffindor
Blood Status- pure?

Name- Hannah Longbottom:::Narnian1
Year- 3
House- Gryffindor
Blood Status- pure

Name: April Blake:::iminlovewithedwardcullen
Age: 14
Year: 3
House: Slytherin
Blood Stauts: Half (but always claims its pure)

Name- Isla Malfoy:::Sunshine
Age- 13
Year- 3
House- Slytherin
Blood Status- Pure Blood


Name- Vida Longbottom:::Gondorgirl
Year- 2
House- Gryffindor
Blood Status- pure

Name- Chloe Longbottom:::Gentle Voice
Age- 12
Year- 2
House- Gryffindor
Blood Status- Pure

Name- Al Potter:::King Of The Hallows
Year- 2
House- Gryffindor
Blood Status- pure?

Name- Rose Weasley:::Falloutgirl
Year- 2
House- Gryffindor
Blood Status- pure

Name- Scorpius Malfoy::: no one yet....sunshine??
Year- 2
House- Syltherin
Blood Status- pure

you can create your own character or be more than one...
we can play adults as they are needed
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Name- Angelique 'Angel' Albright
House- Gryffindor
Blood- half-blood
Wand- here
Ebony; 12in; Unicorn hair core;
Bio- Angelique is known to be one of the most beautiful and attractive girls at Hogwarts, mostly because she is half Veela. She's a total sweetheart, earning her the nickname Angel which her admirers so affectionatley call her. Being one of the most popular and beautiful girls makes Angelique look like she's perfect, well she definatley has her flaws. Angelique is sometimes a little insecure and has a hard time trusting people especially boys because they usually want to date her just because she's pretty and popular, and not because they genuinely like her.
Personality- Sweet; Loyal; Trustworthy; Perky; Charismatic; lovable;
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you for got about Chole

Name: Chloe Longbottom
Bio: She is the twin sister of Vida she all so the smart one some time thinks that she is smater then Chloe, but she isn't. Chloe is the one who is good with magic, but her sister is better with flying there father is the Proffesser at their school.
Looks: She looks just like Vida .
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its Chloe...but yeah it has been awhile so thats ok....i cant spell anyways so i didnt even notice :) will you edit your profile of her so people wont get confused please. thanks :)

Name: Hannah Longbottom
House- Griffindor
Blood- pure-blood
Wand- 10 3/4 inch willow with a dragon-heartstring core
Bio- Her father Neville Longbottom, is the Herbology Professor and head of Gryffindor House at Hogwarts. He became a professor shortly after his wife, Hannah Abbott Longbottom died. Hannah and her two younger sisters who are twins and were only about two (which means Hannah was three) when her mom died, live at Hogwarts with their father. They spend the summers at their grandmother and grandfather Abbotts house and then with the Potters, Weasleys or at Luna's. Hannah's favortie subjects are Charms and DADA. She also is good at Herbology, but she doesnt enjoy it as much as her father does. She is a bright witch but her passion is flying, not school work. Hannah is a chaser for the Gryffindor Qudditch team and is very good. Hannah is very adventurous and very brave, but she is not very outgoing and has a hard time making new friends. Once she you are her friend though she isnt shy at all. Her closest friends are James and Angel (if thats ok :)).
Ok thanks hear it is

Name: April Blake
Year: 3rd
Blood Stauts: Half (but always clames its pure)
Wand: 9 and a quater inches, maple. Core: Dragon Heartstring
Bio: She was raised by her father after her mother was found dead, susspected suicide but courses are unknow. Her mother was a muggle and her father is a wizard. Her father travels alot so April spent alot of her childhood alone. She is now very independant and dosent except help from anyone. She never had many friends when she was young as her father didnt like her mixing with muggles but however she dose make friends easily but like to lead rather than be lead. She has a big personality and always likes to be the center of attention. She has straight black hair that is corpped short so it falls just around her face. She also pierced her nose for a dare last summer so now she constantly wears a small stud. She lies to think of herself as a rebel and never listens to anyone.
if we can get a fred, al, vida and scorpius we can start....

i dont care if you play more than one character, at least until someone else comes along to play these four

also if you want to play a supporting character role to your character that is fine...for example, whoever plays scorpius can also role play for say his best friend, and sunshine and whoever has scorpius can role play draco and his wife if you need to at some point
Name: Emily Len Rose
Bio: You well find out in the story
Blood : Pure
Wand: 9'' oak
House : Sylirthin of cours
year: 5 if that's all right with you.
Looks: she have long black hair and light skin and she is about 5'4''.
Name: Juliette Vivari
Age: 14
Year: 4
House: Gryffindor
Blood: Pureblood
Wand: http://www.whirlwood.com/deluxe/hidden-core-magic-wands/01auror.jpg
Bio: Juliette was born into a very rich family with very snobby, self-absorbed parents. She was never as conceited as them, but she was always very conscious of her place in society. At Hogwarts, she is known as one of the smartest students in her year - and one of the most quiet girls in the whole school. Although she's not shy, Juliette prefers not to talk to people her age. However, she is always ready to speak her mind and defend herself when she needs to.
Personality: Quiet, pessimistic, intelligent, sarcastic, loyal
Appearance: http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u74/NarniaFan0527/alexis1.jpg
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