Harry Potter RPG II

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"Here we go, this is going to be the hard part." Vida glanced around to see if anyone was watching, they were standing behind a tree not that far from the forest. "On the count of three we run to the forest, keeping low so we won't be seen, all right?" She grabbed her sister's hand, "One, two, three!"

She ran as she can with her sister " We all most there," she told her.
ooc: hey I am sorry...I need to take a little time off rom PRGing and get my head on straight. I just got a warning from the Mods about my RPGing and...yah...I'll still be on The Dancing Lawn just not RPGing for a little bit
Fred walked into the common room and saw Ella and Ben. "Hey guys, what are you up to?" He asked.

"We were getting tired of reading so we were going to practice some of the spells and stuff before teaching them tonight." She said standing up.

"Let's get going then," said Ben, "we can also set up the Room of Requirement so it will be ready for tonight."

ooc: i dont know where AL is....i think he is with the twins but i'm not sure at all. Hannah and James were on the way down to spy on Quait and April, but got a little sidetracked....probably about time they got back on track. Ella, Fred and Ben are practicing for the first lesson thing

Al is with Nick and they're on their way to the forest

She ran as she can with her sister " We all most there," she told her.

Vida glanced over her shoulder and didn't see anyone looking her way, but she didn't see Nick and Al either. They made it into the outskirts of the forest and leaned against some trees to catch their breath. "Now all we have to do is wait for Al and Nick to show up."

ooc: hey I am sorry...I need to take a little time off rom PRGing and get my head on straight. I just got a warning from the Mods about my RPGing and...yah...I'll still be on The Dancing Lawn just not RPGing for a little bit

ooc: ok, I'll cover Al for you as long as he's with us


Their route had taken them farther away from where the girls would probably be than Nick had intended. He looked down along the edge of the forest toward where Vida and Chloe would probably head.

"So we should be heading more that way?" Al asked.

"I suppose," Nick hadn't really intended to take charge of the situation and he didn't know how he had ended up leading them. "Let's go then."
ooc: haha sorry :)

Ella followed Ben and Fred to the RoR

When they got inside it looked the same as last time except Ben thought there were more books on the shelves. "So what are we going to be doing tonight again? Expelliarmus?"

Chloe sat down waiting for the boys to show up " I hope they show up soon," she told her.

Vida continued leaning against a tree near the edge of the forest but still out of sight and looked up toward the castle. "I just hope no one saw them," she muttered to herself.


Al and Nick walked along the outskirts of the forest toward the spot in the forest closest to the Whomping Willow hoping they would run into Vida and Chloe eventually, as long as they hadn't been caught.

"Let's just hope they don't think we're some monster coming to get them out of the forest," Al said.

"I hadn't really thought of that," Nick admitted, "we'll just have to keep an eye out for them."
"I'm not worried about us" she sat down against her tree now. "I'm more worried about Al and Nick. I suppose it's not quite time to worry yet though"
" Oh, I see well don't worry everything well work out you'll see," she told her, walking over and sat next to her.
They sat there for a few minutes just waiting until Vida said, "What's that?" she stood up, "I thought I heard someone moving in the woods that way," she pointed behind their tree.
Chloe sighed " It might be a rabbit or something," she told her.

Emily came from behind one of the trees " Hi," she said, with a smile
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