Have you ever been made fun of for loving Narnia?

Chyeah lots of times!!! I'm being made fun of more for being obsessed with "Avatar: The Last Airbender" though. Drives me nuts!!! It makes me just want to cry when people keep making fun of me for the things that I love! :(

I feel ya sister:(

I don't get teased about narnia soooo much as other things.
My dad just calls it poor man's lotr.
My cousin Matt is ALWAYS on my case about it.
Ha ha,gored in the heart by a unicorn....pshhh,that is definitely NOT babyish.
I've gotten made fun of because of Narnia a few times, mostly by my brother, but there was this other time in 6th grade when our class was taking a trip up north and we were making a list of movies to watch on the bus and I put down both of the Narnia movies and this chick was like, "Who put Narnia on here?" And I was like, "I did..." And she said, "Why do you have to do stuff like that? It's so stupid."

We never did get to watch them on the bus.

I'm sure there was other similar times I can't remember. I usually just let things like that roll off my back, but nevertheless, I'm not really that open about it with most people anymore. Only my close friends know about my obsession. And really I'm not that obsessed anymore. Hey, at least I can be myself around people now... :rolleyes:

Although, I'm sure as soon as I see VDT I'll be back to my old obsessed ways. ^_^
I've gotten made fun of because of Narnia a few times, mostly by my brother, but there was this other time in 6th grade when our class was taking a trip up north and we were making a list of movies to watch on the bus and I put down both of the Narnia movies and this chick was like, "Who put Narnia on here?" And I was like, "I did..." And she said, "Why do you have to do stuff like that? It's so stupid."

We never did get to watch them on the bus.

I'm sure there was other similar times I can't remember. I usually just let things like that roll off my back, but nevertheless, I'm not really that open about it with most people anymore. Only my close friends know about my obsession. And really I'm not that obsessed anymore. Hey, at least I can be myself around people now... :rolleyes:

Although, I'm sure as soon as I see VDT I'll be back to my old obsessed ways. ^_^

That sucks. I've finally got a bus to watch BOTH of my Narnia movies, first we watched LWW on my Pay It Forward trip, then the second time we got to watch PC on the way to a Track Meet!!! :D
At my church's youth group, my best friend and I often obsess over Lord of the Rings and Narnia. There's this certain popular girl that I severely dislike who does not appreciate our 'nerdy' behavior. She's never said so to our faces, but rumors have come back to me... She thinks that I am weird for writing stories and liking Narnia and Lord of the Rings. :p No one appreciates being made fun of, but I still find the matter humorous, because she used to be one of my friends that would obsess over Narnia with me. :rolleyes:

Honestly, why would I give up everything I enjoy in order to fit in with a bunch of gossipy girls that I don't even like? I have friends just like me that I can have fun with- no matter what the 'cackling cohorts' say.
I haven't really been made fun of because of Narnia like at school. My little 8 year old brother says it's stupid and Peter is a wimp(my dad says that so he *must* repeat it) Also, my dad says i have problems since I watch LWW and PC like I have never since it before.
They can never understand Narnia:D:D

Edit: and if anyone really made fun or said something horrible about Narnia...they will sooo regret saying anything *feels evil:cool:*
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For me, either I am made fun of, or am respected... It depends on the crowd.
Anyone near my age who isn't homeschooled or on the honor roll at CCS (the X-ian school where I live) thinks that I'm (quote) a "lame dork", but by CCS' teachers or by my friends I'm respected because 1. I can quote The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by heart, 2. I can explain the imagery of every CN or ST book, and 3. I don't care what people think about me. This is also the (slightly changed) case with Star Trek, plus the "it's, like, a show our GRANDPARENTS watched" argument...
No not really...
But I remember one time in 7th grade, when the LWW movie was coming out in theaters that year, this girl was like, "Narnia is so gay." =w= -_- I think because she saw my Narnia bookmark or book... or my friend and I were talking about it... I can't remember. XD
I didn't reply though.
Nobody ever made fun of me because of Narnia but I remember that once someone asked me:

The Somebody: "Why do you keep calling him "HIGH" King Peter? Can't you just say King Peter or just Peter?"

Me: "No way! It''s High King Peter, OK? It's his title and I'm going to say it. DON'T TALK TO ME IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!"

The Somebody: "Alright! Alright! Put the sword down, now, will ya?"
I never got made fun of for loving the Narnia series, because it is a highly respected and loved classic series that has influenced many readers to become writers, including myself.
There's this fellow that used to twit me about my love for Narnia. Then I bit him in the leg and he stopped twitting me.
I was made fun of for just about any and everything people found odd about me, and my love for Narnia was one of them. Oddly one place was in my Senior High Youth group at church mainly as those were 'kids books".
Just because a book can be understood and appreciated by children does not make it a "kids book". C S Lewis said it was refreshing and entertaining to him writing them. And if he could enjoy writing them that much, why can't we adults enjoy reading them?
Just because a book can be understood and appreciated by children does not make it a "kids book". C S Lewis said it was refreshing and entertaining to him writing them. And if he could enjoy writing them that much, why can't we adults enjoy reading them?

Indeed. Sadly many of my relatives possess such a narrow view not only towards my love for Narnia, but LOTR, Star Wars, Star Trek and superhero comic books/films. They'll even talk to me like I'm five years old! So I guess all the millions ( if not billions) that many of these movies made at the box office were only because groups of five-year-olds went to see them!
I was teased about Narnia in 5th grade, but it wasn't just me who was teased about Narnia.......... my whole entire class was teased! And we still are. But I know how to deal with it.
When people tease me about liking Narnia, and they say, "Oh that's dumb" or they say in a snobby voice "You like Narnia?". Looking at them with direct eye contact and an intent gaze I just say, "So what if it's dumb and/or I like Narnia? I don't care of what you say. Narnia is a part of me and makes me who I am, so respect that fact."
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I've more been made fun of for my love of books in general than for my love of Narnia books in particular, but my attitude toward being bullied has always been that I will be true to myself no matter how popular my activities are. The people (family and friends) whose opinions really matter to me don't care if I have my little quirks, such as loving Narnia and always having a book with me, and they might even love me for my quirks or share my quirks.
I don't think I've ever been made fun of for liking Narnia, but I'm occasionally paranoid with the possibility that I'm annoying people by talking about it too much. That's not just for Narnia, though. That also goes along with the other things I like... and talk about too much...
I've never shared my love of Narnia with ANYONE outside of the "Narnian set" after I discovered & took an interest about 20 years ago. I just didn't have the guts, because I already knew from the beginning that I would be made fun of, as I am a now 51 going on 52 year-old thin-skinned POC!
One time, sort of. A Wicca practicioner, hearing me speak about Narnia, expressed a strong resentment of Mister Lewis. She was angry, of course, at his depiction of magic-using villains. Never mind that Lewis also depicted magic-users on the side of good; she wanted ALL magic-users to be immune to criticism.