Here's a Question for You...


New member
This is something that has been racking my brain for quite a long time. Are the Archenlanders, Lone Islanders, and Calormens Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve?
Aslan the Wise one said:
Mmm, That's a hard one Checkmate i well talk to some of my Expart C.S.Leiws friends to see what they got to say.............
That sounds like a most excellent idea...
(Post #100) :D
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Well I talk with them, becose the kind of Narnia stuff i'm not that good so here is what they sid,

Chapter 14 "The Planting of the Tree" when Frank and Helen are crowned, Aslan says to them, "Rise up King and Queen of Narnia, father and mother of many kings that shall be in Narnia and the Isles and Archenland..."

Then again, you know, the Telmarines came to Narnia from an island cave entrance in our world. Remember they were pirates and natives on some remote island before they stumbled into Telmar. So maybe the Calormens come from a similar source.

I hope this helps.
AtWO has it right -- Frank and Helen were the parents of the humans until the Telmarines came, and Frank and Helen's children were kings of Archenland and Lone Isles.
Good Qustion legolas, but I got another for you all, How many times does The White Wich die and is the a BIbical thing behind that??, way i'm asking is a friend of mine just got to with The Siver Chier and he wnated to know an i could't tell him so I thought I would ask you all..................
That's a good question. Aslan triumphed over her and she was killed , But remember in PC she could be called up again. She was crushed just as the devil is and always will be by God. The Lady of the green kirtle was a witch, but was she Jadis? I do not know, but I don't think that Jadis was ever called up again, she lived and was killed.
borntofly said:
The Lady of the green kirtle was a witch, but was she Jadis? I do not know, but I don't think that Jadis was ever called up again, she lived and was killed.
I agree. I don't think this was Jadis. I think the book kind of left it up to our imagination.....but it never specified that this was the same witch from the LWW and MN.
**MN Spoilers**

We see Jadis eat the stolen apple in MN that we know grants eternal life to the one who eats it in Narnia (although not on earth). So in fact, I don't think Jadis can die. I think she lives on as a spirit of half a person, rather like Voledmort in the HP books after his tangle with baby Harry. He has a wretched half life, but it is still, essentially, a life.

So next question: If Jadis can't die, what happened to her when Narnia was destroyed?
**TLB Spoilers**

I would say at that time she was so completely diminished in power that she just turned up with the rest of the Narnians for judgment and vanished into the shadows with all the baddies. But I am just guessing ... CSL never explained, but then he probably never imagined us dissecting each book and character. :eek:
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i personally think. that cs lewis had the witch die, and that represented a well, "depression" for satan, when Jesus rose again. but there was still sin. so there had to be another satan being in narnia, so he created tash, to replace the WW.
legolas said:
i personally think. that cs lewis had the witch die, and that represented a well, "depression" for satan, when Jesus rose again. but there was still sin. so there had to be another satan being in narnia, so he created tash, to replace the WW.
Well that is an interesting idea.