New member
Rachel looked at Delia. "Well, most people are like that," she answered, and sat next to Skye.
She sighed " All right come on lets get this over with," she told him, getting out of the car " Hold my hand," she told him.
Delia raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow upon seeing this obviously fashion deprived girl.
"Oh my gosh, could this girl be anymore random." Delia thought.
"Mhm. Thanks." She said nonchalantly as she walked pass Skye and to her 1st period class, which coincidentally Ashley had too.
Delia sauntered into the class room and handed a piece of paper for the teacher who was blabbering on aimlessly about the ecosystem.
"Oh we have a new student, Delia Waldorf." Ms. Anderson said perkily.
Delia noticed that about 95% of the males in the class room were eying her admiringly, but then again she was used to it.
"Now why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself." Ms.Anderson said
"Well, i'm from the upper east side of NYC, I love to dance, I aspire to go to Yale university, I used to go to Octavian Prep...where I owned the social scene." Delia said the last part in a very smug, almost threatening manner as she gave a defiant stare at Ashley as she stood next to the teacher in front of the class room.
Delia smiled and shook her head at Ashley's remark. Delia thought it was rather amusing that she thought calling her a (insert bad word hereAshley laughed and said something to Lesley, "Yale doesn't except ------."
Ms. Anderson heard what she said but said nothing, "Ok Delia thankyou, please sit next to Ms.Gates over there," she pointed to Mik.
Jackson didnt understand why most of the guys were gawking at her. Sure she was pretty...in a PussyCat Doll way but she didnt come off as anything special. Just like the girl's he had known in NY. Selfish, backstabbing and miserable with themselves. Even Mik, pyscho though she seemed, was more geniune than that!
Josh took his seat. Luckily there were none next to Kit.