High School: Malibu

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"Nope, it's tomorrow. As for the going part... I really don't know. I'll see if I can skip just one class to go, or if my parents will let me go at all. How about you?" she asked her.
"I could but it would still be saying 'I don't mnd you guys doing it as long as I'm not a part of it.' I really don't think anyone should do it. But I'm not you so I can't force anyone to do anything. It's just my opinion." Skye smiled.
"Well, to be honest, I'm really only going because I haven't been to one of those parties," she admitted. "My sister says I'm too uptight with this kind of stuff, and that I should loosen up. I don't even know what to think myself."
"Sometimes being cautious is the best thing."" Skye replied. "And maybe it's best that you haen't been to one of them before. I've heard they can get pretty wild. My brother has been to a couple. I've heard quite a few horror stories."
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