High School

the man was looking at more knives to cut her with"you want me to stop ay!"alex had tears steaming down her face and was looking at the cut
queen hannah said:
OOc:she follow them
iC.the man ran away and alex was in the corner trying not to cry she stood up and had to bend over cause it hurt so much"thanks Kris"was all she said then fell to the ground
queen hannah said:
OOc: hey guys I g2g now 2 my class soon I be back after 9 ok

ic: "you are so wecome alex" puting her swords away
OOc.aw to bad!well see you laters!!have FUN at your class(i know you probably wont..but still :p )
Fender Stratocaster said:
She smiled.
"Welcome to my family Lorelia. You can stay as long as you wish."

It's Virago, not Virgo. :D

ooc: sorry, I'm really bad with these things... :eek:

ic: *Lorelei smiled**she hugged Virago tightly**her dropped her bags on the ground next to her and clutched Virago as if she'd never let go**she pulled away and smiled* Thanks...sis...
Emirin said:
Jake picked her up and they went to to Kris's house and sat the couch, and Alex was laying right beside him with her head on his lap.
alex stired and saw jake"whats going on"she was sleepy yet startled
alex held on tightly and then let go"you didn't die!he didn't get you....or kris!"she smiled"im glad...but..he got away"her smile faded"he might come back"she looked into his eyes