High School

well i really have no clue what is going on either really and Protofan isn't on so its kinda hard to do anything with Emily!! he better get on soon!! lol
Alex stayed in the hospital for a couple more weeks then had to stay home for two weeks.she had broken three ribs and had a concution and lots of bruses everywhere.the docter said she'd be ok after sleep and rest.All she wanted to do was see jake.she hadn't seen him very well in the hospital and wanted to say thankyou
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ooc: well lets see, Danelle and Cody fell asleep watching TV, Lorilei was beat by her father again and is presently sitting in the middle of the sidewalk...again...Kris brought a gun to school and tried to commit suicide. Thats it really...

ic: I need to get off the streets or at least hidden...*she sighed and picked up her bags**she wouldn't go back to Cody's, he'd been more than kind enough and she couldn't take offers from someone twice**she knew she couldn't go home, or she wouldn't walk out alive**she thought about calling the police, but they'd make her go to a foster family* Oh Lord, please help me...you've always provided for me...Please...*she begged to the sky**she shouldered her bags and started down the street**she decided bushes would be good tonight...or someones backyard shed**she started searching for a nice hidden place*
slpnarniaqueen said:
ooc: well lets see, Danelle and Cody fell asleep watching TV, Lorilei was beat by her father again and is presently sitting in the middle of the sidewalk...again...Kris brought a gun to school and tried to commit suicide. Thats it really...

ic: I need to get off the streets or at least hidden...*she sighed and picked up her bags**she wouldn't go back to Cody's, he'd been more than kind enough and she couldn't take offers from someone twice**she knew she couldn't go home, or she wouldn't walk out alive**she thought about calling the police, but they'd make her go to a foster family* Oh Lord, please help me...you've always provided for me...Please...*she begged to the sky**she shouldered her bags and started down the street**she decided bushes would be good tonight...or someones backyard shed**she started searching for a nice hidden place*
WHAT!!!!KRIS TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE!!!!!!thats just wrong things are getting out of control!!
Cody woke, and looked around. He saw Lori out the window, and got up. He opened the door, and yelled out. "Hey, you need a place to stay again?"
*she looked at him oddly**she thought about lieing**she made sure her bangs were covering her black eye and bloody gashed forhead**she couldn't hide her arm though* I'm...um...well...*she sighed* Not in the house...I've noticed its busy enough...do you have a shed?

ooc: thats not half a bad idea...Cody should make his house a boarding house...thats a way he could make money...
OOC-It's full already...With Danielle in Cody's bed, Kris in his parents room, and Lori in the basement...
IC- "No, but come on in, you look tired!"
tired...no...totally fed up...yes...*she sighed* I'll stay out for a while, and I leave early...oh...and I calculated how much money I owe you for the detergent and water and stuff I used...*she handed him $27.50* Thats the total cost after I diveded everything...*she picked up her bags**she started packing up her stuff in which was not all in her bags**her bangs she self conciously pushed out of her eyes, revealing the forehead gash and the black eye, but right now she'd forgot about it**she picked up her packed bags* I can do in the backyard too...*she offered* I can't wait til I'm 18, *she murmered under her breath*
He put the money back in her hands. "It looks like you need this more than I do. And, I'll get you a bed, somehow, if you want to sleep downstairs."
*she then remembered her eye**She bit her lip and pulled down her bangs agian* I pay rent to all who's hospitality I use. I don't need money any more than you do, I'm not homeless...I just...well..oh nevermind, doesn't matter. Don't worry about a bed...I've slept in about any place you can think of...I'll figure something out...I always do...*she added under her breath* but then agian, LA was made for kids like me...