Honor, Life, and Love...

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Olivia ran out into the hall and swung her pack over her shoulder, being careful not to hit anyone. She headed straight for the door and for freedom. She stepped outside and took a deep breath of the warm clear air. She walked down the steps and looked around for her friends.
Christine swung her backpack on her shoulder as well as her dance bag as the bell rung and pushed through the crowd to find her friends. She saw Paul ahead of her and hurried to catch up. "Paul!" She said finally catching up and slowing her pace to match his.
Samuel sighed, closing his book. He tucked it into his bag and left the classroom, giving the teacher a small smile on the way out. So began the summer, the time in which his friends tried to get him to go out and party while he read and worked on cars.
"Hey Christine," Paul said as a huge smiel came over his face, "Oh and a few more steps and," he pushed the door open and fell to his knees spreading his arms out to his sides, "Freedome!" he sang. Paul had a tendancy to be over dramatic.
Olivia turned as soon as she heard Paul. She grinned and ran over to them. "Hey guys!" She looked at Paul, "get up before you get trampled."
Christine laughed at Paul's dramatics. She saw Samuel and tried to catch his eye so he would see them. She didnt want to yell across the yard.
Samuel had reached them at this point, rolling his eyes. "Drama king," he muttered. He liked school, at least, he liked it more than he liked summer.
Christine laughed at Samuel and Olivia. "So what do you guys want to do now that we are free?" She asked.
"Something fun!"
Paul looked up at his friends and grinned as he got up, "Group hug!" he yelled as he grabbed the toe people closest to him and pulled them into a hug.
Olivia laughed as she put one arm around Paul.
"Oh, completely," Samuel said, "You know me, can't wait for the summer fun to begin...."

She put her other arm around Samuel and pulled him into the hug. "Come on, summer will be fun!"
Samuel couldn't fight the mood. A smile made its way across his face and he put an arm around Olivia and another around Christine.
Olivia grinned agian, "great!" she loved anything had to do with being outside. She laughed at Samuel's comment. "I think we can keep him under control," she said, winking at Paul.
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