Honor, Life, and Love...

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"Hey I'm sorry I would have you out here and you know that but if you knew what kind of a headache I woke up with today you would understand the fact that I am cotiouse."
Hanna nodded, "It would be easier to just show you," she said turning and walking towards the castle. she didn't say a word till they were back in Olivia's room. she silently closed the door and then undid the back of her dress. she turned her back to Olivia and let her dress slip off her shoulders. her back was covered with scars that ranged from deep wonds to things that looked like mere scratches. they were all over her back and down her legs and backside.
"What?" Olivia whispered. "Hanna, I'm so sorry." She got a determind look in her eyes. "I wont let it happen again. I wont let anyone else be hurt."
Beatrix watched Christine go into the barn and hoped her father wouldent come out. She then went back to digging up potatoes.
"your majesty...I am a servant. I am not even supposed to be speeking to you at this moment. I am not to go near thier chamber or their dinign area. I am to stay out of sight and to remain as useful as I can without touching royalty or barly speeking to it." she explained
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