Honor, Life, and Love...

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there were dirty children everywhere barefoot and playing in the streets. the merchants and those in the markets acted as if these children were nothing but pieces of garbage.
there were dogs as well as pigs roaming the streets. beggers sitting at the corners with their cups outstreatched in hopes of a copper coin. a young mother sitting at her window, tired, hungry, fear in her eyes her child suckling for what was left of her milk. merchants smiling at Olivia from all sides trying to entice her to buy thier things while others watched on with hungry eyes and wind broke lips.
Olivia stopped when she saw the lady with the baby. She pulled her earings off and put them in her hand. "Get some food." She looked around again, this was horrbile.
the woman moved only her eyes to look at Olivia then back to her child. she tucked the jewelry into the folds of her dress and didn't say a word but her arms tightened around her child.

ooc: oh and this is just teh market place wait till she gets further.
ooc: *claps hands* that is what I was thinking too. the Tail of Two Cities and Oliver Twist combined.

as the street opened into a larger comon square there was a man nearly drained of color his neck and hands constrained by the stocks. birds elighted on him as though he were no more than a statue for thier use. passersby didn't even look at the man other than some children who jeared at him mockingly. there was a little girl playing with two sticks as though she were paintign out of a tiny puddle of red by one of his hands.
ooc. lol! yeah. creepy

ic. Olivia stared at the man for a minute. She clenched her teeth and walked though the crowds to him. She pushed the birds away. "I'll get you out of here," she whispered. Looking for a way for get him out.
the littel girl looked up then giggled, "he been here too long," she said then went back to her painting. like the woman he moved nothing but his eyes but he spoke, "that promise has worn on my ears these three months...do us both good and leave with your frodulant lips and empty lies."
the man might have laughed or scoffed at her had he not been drained of all but the strength to speek, "Impersonation of a nobal." he muttered. it was weazy and harsh and sounded strange cupled witht he mumming of the littel girl
ooc: the stocks back then were chined and locke dinto place so that family members and friends would not be able to set prisoners free. sometimes tehy were even nailed shut.
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