How did you get your name(username)?


New member
Hey, let's see how each other made up our usernames, or if you want, say how you made your name you go by on here. Have FUN! :)

I made mine uniquemonke, because I love monkeys and I am very unique(silly)

*I don't know if there is another thread like this, but if there is, we can just get rid of this one.:)
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I think there is another thread like this, but yeah.

Bruiser was a nickname that I adopted in the sixth grade after I carried a black eye for six months. No Kidding. Softballs aren't very soft. lol.

Manda-Panda [which few call me.] Was adopted in the eigth grade from my Social Studies teacher.
Yes, there has been another such thread. But I _suppose_ I can endure the _ordeal_ of talking about myself once more. :p There used to be a comicbook hero called Ironwolf, so I made up the name Copperfox as a way to be more modest about my own manhood.
i was eating orange jello in a cup...and i was stumped for a name....
and yes i call i JELLLOOO not JELL-O because I'm from england/india...

silly american's and canadians with their Jell-O:D
well when I was a kid I was SUPER imaginative. When I was watching Xena there was a bad demon called Dahauk. I liked the name and created a female character that was like a super hero or something and made it DayhawK. I then created a story where she was the daughter of Dusk and Dawn...
then the 68 is my two fav numbers
6 is my lucky number
8 is my lucky number's boyfriend (dont ask it makes sense in my head)
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In character, EveningStar's mother wanted for the longest time to have a family of her own but she could not. She asked the Evening Star three nights in a row for one and only one favour. "I would be happy if only I could cradle a furling of my own, even if it were but one."

Shortly thereafter I came along. In her gratitude she named me after him. You'll remember in Narnia that stars were people, and the Evening Star was male. To you Adamites, it may sound odd, but really it's not.

My full name is EveningStar Diggins. I am related through his brother to Orbereth, the badger who was High Mage of Narnia when the White Witch invaded. Jasmine Badger...nee Jasmine Diggins...from Byron on Wells is a distant relative.

Oh, and I'm cute as a button...ask me mum.
Oh, and I'm cute as a button...ask me mum.

ohhh, I haven't read that phrase in a while. I missed reading it! *hugs phrase*

ok, well my first name on this place was Hester L. for Hester Latterly a book character in the William Monk mystery series (set in Victorian Age England)who was a nurse in the Crimea. Then I changed it to Lady Callandra for another character in the same series who doesn't care about social calls or even having her hair in proper order at parties, she's rather fun to read :p. Both women are strong willed and intelligent, which is rather funny for Monk because he thinks a womens place is at home and watching children, yet two of his best friends and allies are women who could give him a run for his money in both intelligence and wit. haha
Hey, let's see how each other made up our usernames, or if you want, say how you made your name you go by on here. Have FUN! :)

I made mine uniquemonke, because I love monkeys and I am very unique(silly)
Excellent thread, if I do say so Uniquemonke!

Songs of Life is the name for my music ministry. To be honest, I can't remember how or why I chose that name, well over 10 years ago except that I am a singer and I sing in thanksgiving to the Creator of Life!
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My name is very easy to explain. As you can tell I'm a LOTR fan. On most sites I join(ed) my name used to be Mrs Pippin or Mrs Pippin Took (ask Primsong ;) )
but when I joined this site a couple of years afgo I decided to choose a complete different name. My favorite Narnia character is Peter. So I choose Peter_lover. But I got very tired with this name very soon because a) it sounded a bit fangirlish. Like I was in love with Peter which I NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL BE and b) Many people here drooled over William Moseley and I didn't want to give the impression I was one of those too. So my love for LOTR and the Silmarillion continued to grow and I decided to combine my two most favorite LOTR characters Gil-Galad (Lieke...don't laugh!!) and Peregrin Took. So Mrs Gil-Galad Took was born.
Solya stems from the name Sáille, which means "willow". :) I've always identified myself with that tree a lot, because it is very gentle and some parts of it can actually be used as a painkiller. I feel I want to help people heal, so that was originally the reason for adopting that nickname.

Over the years, I have also heard from people that my nickname means "sun already" or "solar breath". It's also been related to the Norse goddess of the sun, because she is called Sól. I have always liked her story... especially because texts concerning the rune that's often related to her state that the sun is a source of hope. :) So, while my nickname is somewhat Pagan in origin, it essentially means that I want to express that kind of hope and healing to the world.
I have been a Narnia fanatic almost my entire life. I chose this user name because of that. I scared all of my friends by saying that I had been to Narnia a couple of years ago; but the truth is that you can go anywhere with a good book and an imagination. I have a very active imagination. Lady of Narnia seemed to fit me becasue I live and breath Narnia. (I drive my siblings crazy!:D)
bruiser said:
Is it your 'real' name or no?

No, my real name is Eva. :) First woman on the planet, life-giver, mother of all humans... I like that name just as much as I like my nickname, lol. My nickname just holds more meaning when my friends say it to me... it's rare for them to call me Eva, and so I listen to "Sol" or "Solya" more. :D
You're actually doing it right! :) The "o" is definitely pronounced as the regular "oh" and not as anything else, just like the "ya" is very short and clear.
:DI got mine from the song "Daydream Believer" by The Monkees.:p
They're my favorite group,and I love the song to peices..probably my favorite song.:D