How did you get your name(username)?

My name is very easy to explain. As you can tell I'm a LOTR fan. On most sites I join(ed) my name used to be Mrs Pippin or Mrs Pippin Took (ask Primsong ;) )
but when I joined this site a couple of years afgo I decided to choose a complete different name. My favorite Narnia character is Peter. So I choose Peter_lover. But I got very tired with this name very soon because a) it sounded a bit fangirlish. Like I was in love with Peter which I NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL BE and b) Many people here drooled over William Moseley and I didn't want to give the impression I was one of those too. So my love for LOTR and the Silmarillion continued to grow and I decided to combine my two most favorite LOTR characters Gil-Galad (Lieke...don't laugh!!) and Peregrin Took. So Mrs Gil-Galad Took was born.

I'd almost forgotten that you used to be Peter_lover :D

I was originally gondoriannarniangirl because the only usernames I'd seen from this site were huge and long like that (Machiathemarshwiggle, Thedryadhobbit, fish_wwjd_frog respectively ;)) and after a while I got tired of typing that so I shortened it to Gondorgirl

the funny thing is just before I changed my username people had taken to calling me GNG and I was so happy to have a nickname that I was very upset to have to change my name. Now my nickname has become GG, which is much shorter. I like it :D
Most of these people seem to have some background to their usernames. Me, well.... it's not that deep. At the time I joined this forum Prince Caspian was still making some money in theaters. I had seen the movie, and due to the fact that I couldn't think of a name I just chose kingcaspian. Why? Cuz Caspian is going to be king in the next film.:D:D:D Not really.:rolleyes:
I'd almost forgotten that you used to be Peter_lover :D

I was originally gondoriannarniangirl because the only usernames I'd seen from this site were huge and long like that (Machiathemarshwiggle, Thedryadhobbit, fish_wwjd_frog respectively ;)) and after a while I got tired of typing that so I shortened it to Gondorgirl

the funny thing is just before I changed my username people had taken to calling me GNG and I was so happy to have a nickname that I was very upset to have to change my name. Now my nickname has become GG, which is much shorter. I like it :D

Hahahaha, today in the car ride to the train station, I was thinking about how you used to be gondoriannarniangirl, and I remembered that we used to call you gng, so like for fifteen minutes I was going "guh-ng" because if you say it, that's what it sounds like...(it was like....6:45 in the morning...:rolleyes: I always do weird things like that during my morning drive. lol)
I do remember it as well :D I think GG is much easier and nobody noticed the difference even though the name is so much shorter.

LC, are you sure it's only happening on your morning drive? :p
right because it's easy to look at the beginning few letter and the last few, and GG is easier, so you don't have to be "guh-ng".....of course it's said quickly. so it's long gong without the o..but....still..

AND YES! only my morning drive...and.......maybe the rest of the day....but that depends on the morning drive. :p
I used to be on, but for some reason the site doesn't exist anymore. There I was Mrs. Tumnus, because that was the first thing I could think of (I had only seen LWW back then). But then the forum disappeared and I went looking for another one. So I came up here, only to find out that name was already taken. So I took Miss Tumnus, which I like far better right now..
I don't really have something for Mr. Tumnus, I just think he's cute..
hmm, well for me, i was trying to think up something really cool. just plain daisy was cute but plain; the 'frost' at the end makes it interesting, kind of like i'm the last flower of the season or something.
Hahahaha, today in the car ride to the train station, I was thinking about how you used to be gondoriannarniangirl, and I remembered that we used to call you gng, so like for fifteen minutes I was going "guh-ng" because if you say it, that's what it sounds like...(it was like....6:45 in the morning...:rolleyes: I always do weird things like that during my morning drive. lol)

wow, I know the 6:45 in the morning feeling ;)

I do remember it as well :D I think GG is much easier and nobody noticed the difference even though the name is so much shorter.

I think it was RF who first shortened it and she just took out the N after I changed it :D

Mine's rather unoriginal--my name is Eowyn, so I use Dernhelm as my alias. :D

What a beautiful name... I think Eowyn your namesake is such an interesting character in LOTR.

My name simply comes from a form of the word "bless" in French, as in "may God bless you" = "que Dieu te benisse." Simply, I want to be a blessing to those whose paths I cross each day.
:p ^

Mine's rather unoriginal--my name is Eowyn, so I use Dernhelm as my alias. :D

COOL. Hey, you just gave me more courage to name my girl Eowyn...when I have one...I've always been afraid that nobody would be able to spell it.

My name comes from VDT, as you have probably guessed. It's from my absolute favorite part of the book, and maybe the whole series, when Reepicheep discovers the fresh water at the end of the world. I also love Reepicheep. :D
My first username was bthew (my first initial and my last name, how very original) later I changed it to my nick name bree and my last name. My parents were not so sure I should have that much personal information out online so instead I took the name of one of my RPG characters (the game was called Chivalry) on this site and made myself Lady Jean (Jean is a part of my full name though so again my parents thought I ought to change it). Until now, I have been involved in two rpgs on this site that I can actually remember. When I changed my name away from Lady Jean I chose to shorten it to LJ and then add the name of my other RPG character, Ava (an Arothus elf) to it: ~LJ Ava~. Then one Mafia game, Slippers (SlpNarniaQueen) decided that my username reminded her of the word Lava and so decided to start calling me that. During that game we gave nicknames to alot of people (Slippers, Inkling, Isabell and I think it was when we started calling Olorin Lauren), some like mine and Slippers stuck. Others are only called by their mafia nickname by a select few. Since I was being called Lava by practically everyone of my close forum friends, I just changed my username to reflect that: ~Lava~.
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I chose my username since I have always been fascinated by the history and culture surrounding the medieval knights (literally I've been reading books about knights and whatnot since I learned to read). So when I joined a Narnia fansite, I felt that the alliteration of "Knight of Narnia" fit well for me.
lol guess
Ehm....lemme try; you were tired of this aweful green dude following you everywhere and you even sued him. But he was released from prison and started all over. So you changed your name to Protest but the green dude found you and then you decided to change your name into Protagonist :D This green stalker of yours never returned :p