How did you get your name(username)?

Username, site... You know to see if its safe.;)

I respect my parents wanting to aprove of a site before I join so I tell them. I also am considered more trustworthy to them that way.

That's a good attitude to have, Mozart. I know that when I tried to hide things from my parents, it didn't help anything - not my safety nor my relationship with them. I think I told my mom about joining TDL an hour after I did it, though...I'm not so great at secrets. :rolleyes:
I made the connection, because HHB is my favorite book AND because the Calormens called the Narnians barbarians.

whoops....guess I gave that away. :p

LOL! Since you gave it away, here it is:

"Way! Way! Way!" came the voice. "Way for the White Barbarian King, the guest of the Tisroc (may he live forever)! Way for the Narnian lords."

Now guess WHO that Barbarian King was!!!
My name used to be "Crimson Sand" (Sand part is a long story...) but then I just wanted to be "Crimson."
Alot of people call me Crimson anyway...

I DO wanna change my name... but the mods on here scare the heck out of me.
My favorite character in the whole series is Aravis- I just love her.
Obviously, she eventually becomes queen, and I like the number 7, and I stuck a random 0 in the middle of two of them and queenaravis707 was born. :p
My name used to be "Crimson Sand" (Sand part is a long story...) but then I just wanted to be "Crimson."
Alot of people call me Crimson anyway...

I DO wanna change my name... but the mods on here scare the heck out of me.

Lol, all except the Badger and Into the Wardrobe. ;)
In character, EveningStar's mother wanted for the longest time to have a family of her own but she could not. She asked the Evening Star three nights in a row for one and only one favour. "I would be happy if only I could cradle a furling of my own, even if it were but one."

Shortly thereafter I came along. In her gratitude she named me after him. You'll remember in Narnia that stars were people, and the Evening Star was male. To you Adamites, it may sound odd, but really it's not.

My full name is EveningStar Diggins. I am related through his brother to Orbereth, the badger who was High Mage of Narnia when the White Witch invaded. Jasmine Badger...nee Jasmine Diggins...from Byron on Wells is a distant relative.

Oh, and I'm cute as a button...ask me mum.
I was "Joytones" on TDL at first, because I love classical and sacred music, and I have a degree in music education. When I met ESW in Second Life, I had dubbed myself "Lambsong" for Lamb of God, and i was a sheep avvy--lol.

As John and I became close friends, he told me often, "You are so sweet." So I got myself a fox avvy like him, and became Sosweet Telling.

As we've become committed to one another, I wanted to be known as his lady here in TDL too, so he was delighted to change my name to Lady Badger and make me a lovely avvy and siggy himself. My badgie is licking a candy cane because he still thinks I'm sweet. Awwwwww! I can never express how much that means to me. <3
Lol, all except the Badger and Into the Wardrobe. ;)

No I'm kind of afraid of the Bagder. xD
I dunno why, but the mods...o_o

My new name! Tsukiko! Is my favorite name ever!
It's my other half.
+ It means "Moon Child" and it's true for me considering I stay up all night just about every single night. xD