How many of you girls are "girly girls"?

I HATE wearing make up sometimes. :rolleyes: I wear eyeliner and mascara sometimes..but its so hard to rub off sometimes!! and then I have these black shadows under my eyes..and blech...
Know that feeling.. ^

I can be a girly girl.. But I don't want to, actually.. Echelon and girly girl: complete different things.. XD And I'm an Echelon.. ^^

Even though I keep saying Jared's so hot.. o_O And cute. And amazing. *lol*
Half-and-half here! :p I don't mind being dirty, But I don't wanna be too dirty. I'm not into sports much, But I love playing badminton. I don't mind wearing a skirt as long as it's not too short. I like to wear jewelry but not too much. Like just earrings or a watch. I love shopping but I don't really wanna shop till I drop and all. (Unless it's my prom xD). I wear make up but not a lot. I just wear powder on my face then lip balm. Presto! Although I'd rather be at home on a comfy arm chair reading Harry Potter in my PJ's with plenty of chocolate to eat (... Oh how I wish. ) Or maybe at a friend's house. Or maybe Using the computer non-stop. :D

Describes me 100%
I'm not a girly girl... atleast I don't think I am... yeah I wear make-up and I like to go shopping... but I'm not like a boy crazy, talk your ear off, must look absolutely perfect kind of girl O_O I despise girls like that... I do talk a lot though... and I can be a lil bit crazy about a few guys heh heh so erm yeah... I'm just a weirdo... I'm a weirdo girl! haha :p lol um yeah... bye bye *leaves*
I'm not a girly girl... atleast I don't think I am... yeah I wear make-up and I like to go shopping... but I'm not like a boy crazy, talk your ear off, must look absolutely perfect kind of girl O_O I despise girls like that... I do talk a lot though... and I can be a lil bit crazy about a few guys heh heh so erm yeah... I'm just a weirdo... I'm a weirdo girl! haha :p lol um yeah... bye bye *leaves*

You remind me of myself.. ^^ XD
I guess I am a girly girl. I like nice dresses, I hate to kill spiders and I use lipstick. On the other hand, I like wondering in the woods listening birds wearing rubber boots, (almost) no matter what´s the weather like. I haven´t been living on countryside for many years now, so I use to plant flowers on my windows. This spring it is going to be light pink and blue and red...
rofl NO NOT ME! i am the opposite from girly girl, but im not a tom boy, im more of a normal girl. like im not open like skirts and stuff like that, no offense to anyone but i HATE makeup im not a tom boy but i KNOW i AM NOT A GIRLY GIRL.
Spiders are cool. :p Snakes are better. ^^

Now, actually, I would wear a lot more makeup if I could.. My mum doesn't let me. :mad:

And I like, hug everyone everywhere, on and off.. XD I say "AHH!! HOT HOT HOT!" when I see someone like Jared Leto.. ^^ My heart gets broken reaaaaaaaal easily..

But my attitude is hative, so I'm still no girly girl. XD
I'm more of a girly girl now. I was a total tom boy as a kid...ruined most guys egos...but now I can handle dresses and skirts, and make up is ok...I don't wear much, but that's fine. I have sensitive skin so lots of it isn't good anyway.
ARGH dont snakes eat spiders?? Shame :p
Snakes pertrify me!

Snakes rule.. ^^ SLYTHERINNNN!!! Woot. ^^

Oh, and the only nailpolish I wear is either transparent on my nose for swimming (makes the noseclip stay on:p) or black.. ^^

Now, YESTERDAY I was girly.. :eek: I was being sweet to a MALE classmate. XD